When in doubt, do the opposite

Start from the beginning

"Well yeah, but I don't really think that's what I'm meant to do. I feel like I was destined for a different thing" I ranted "But I feel like if I let cheer go, everyone will be disappointed in me" I looked down at my feet "Hey" Zed said, stepping closer to me and gently hooking a finger under my chin to make me look at him "Whatever you decide to do, I will be there. You would never disappoint me" I blushed at his words and smiled, making him smile too

Suddenly there was a loud car honk in our direction, scaring us apart as Bucky used a loud speaker, telling everyone to vote for him. I glared at him, looking up at Zed "You better beat him" I told him "I'm planning on it. If the zombies are on my side, and the humans are on Bucky's, that makes the werewolves the swing vote" He said as we walked inside. I nodded "They're the key to winning the election, but you know it isn't gonna be easy" "Trust me, I got this. All we have to do is show them how to fit in like we did" The bell suddenly rang, making all of the wolves howl loudly before all heading in different directions. The main wolf girl glared at me before walking away. I said goodbye to Zed before heading to class

I was in study hall with Addison and Bree, and we were in the library. I picked out a book and went to go check it out, walking passed the boy werewolf, who I learned was named Wyatt and he was reading a book. As soon as I passed him, something registered in my brain and I backed up towards him. I grabbed his book, turning it around so it was right side up, and he laughed awkwardly at me. I awkwardly laughed back at him, before turning around and walking to the checkout counter

When I got back to where Bree and Addison were sitting a book was slammed down on the table "Lies!" The main wolf girl named Willa yelled "These history books claimed werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers, but they struck first and stole our moonstone!" She growled at us "It's not like I wrote the history books" I rolled my eyes, earning an elbow to the ribs from Addie, who apologized "I'm sorry, I didn't know that" "There's a lot you don't know" Willa glared before taking the books and walking towards the library exit

"Well I know the alarm is gonna go off if you don't checkout those books" I told her. She grabbed her necklace, throwing it at the sensor and making it spark, before grabbing it and walking away "Our necklaces have a way with electronics" Wyatt whispered in my ear, making me jump, unaware of his presence before now. He walked after Willa, and the rest of the wolves followed behind

After School  
Zed, Eliza, Zoey, and I all headed towards Zombietown where the werewolves were all gathered, discussing something "Win the wolves vote, win the election. Easy" We walked over to them "Hello werewolves, allow me to introduce myself" He stuck his hand out, ready to shake hands with someone "I'm Zed, zombie, football star, presidential hopeful" No one shook his hand and he laughed awkwardly, so he took it back "When zombies first came to Seabrook, we were outsiders too, which is why you need a great president like Zed to represent you"

"We'd be honored if you guys joined our campaign" I smiled at them. The shortest wolf, Wynter, stood up "Our pack is our pack. We don't need anyone else, so..." "Who doesn't want more friends? Underneath all that fluffy hair I bet you're a real softie" Zoey smiled. Wynter leaned down to her height and glared "I am a mean, mean werewolf, kid, I am tough and rough" "Aww, you said ruff like a sweet little puppy dog" Zoey giggled "We are beasts of the forest we will never be tamed!" She growled when Zoey suddenly reached up, scratching behind her ear, making her calm down, before apologizing to Willa

"We're nothing like you zombies" Willa scoffed as she stood up "You sort of are. Your necklace is powered right? Kinda like an organic Z-band?" Eliza asked "Wow, you're smarter than he looks" Willa said, talking about Zed "That necklace keeps you from fully wolfing out?" Zed reached out towards it before she smacked his hand away "The opposite. Our moonstone make us our true werewolf selves" She told us "So, without it you'd be human?" Zed tilted his head "No, we'd die. We'd be nothing"

"Imagine how alive you'd feel if you didn't have to tamp things down, hold back your true selves" Wyatt said, staring into my eyes, making me blush and look away "Actually I've got this theory that zombies might've evolved beyond their need for Z-bands-" Zed loudly fake laughed, cutting Eliza off "Z-bands are great, they help you fit in and I think you guys would have a much better time at Seabrook if you followed in our footsteps. Join a club, play football" He looked at Wynter "I will even teach you how to tackle. Just lighten up. Be more like us"

The werewolves got up, walking away "Do it like the zombies do. Brush your fangs when you wake up, comb your hair, do your makeup. Sleep at night, don't stay up. Do it like the zombies do" Zed sang, making the werewolves turn around and look at us "Don't stand out when you're fitting in, when in doubt do the opposite" "Don't listen to him" Wyatt shook his head "He's a hypocrite" Willa nodded "Do it like the zombies do" I stood up next to Zed, both of us singing "All you have to do is give an inch then we gonna take it to the top" We both leaned over towards the werewolves, making them lean back "Do it like the zombies do"

"When the moon is full, no howling" Willa mocked, putting a hand on Zed's shoulder "Don't run in the halls, no growling" Wyatt played along, wrapping an arm around my shoulder "Lets go to the mall, start styling. Do it like the zombies do" They all mocked, walking away "Trim your claws, get a manicure" Willa sang "Cut your bangs, leave it on the floor" Wyatt smirked "Now wag your tail like a Labrador" Wynter smiled as Zed and I ducked under their arms "Do it like the zombies do" Zed grabbed Wynter's hand, leading her towards our side before Wyatt grabbed her and brought her back towards them

"All you have to do is give an inch then we gonna take it to the top. Do it like the zombies do, don't stop. Do it" I walked over to the wolves "Stand up, stand up, stand up straight, do your homework. Smile a lot when you network" I sang at Wyatt as Zed stood on the other side of him "Did I mention no one gets hurt?" He elbowed Wyatt in the ribs, making him groan "Do it like the zombies do" He handed them his Zed 4 Prez hats "I hope you're open to my advice" Wyatt sniffed his hat as Willa asked "Oh its invaluable to us, right?" "Sounds like this could be a paradise" Wyatt smirked, shaking Zed's hand as they all waved, throwing their hats on the floor "Do it like the zombies do"

"Why should we change? They should be like us. Yeah, he may eat brains but he's got no guts" Willa raised her eyebrows at us as we leaned against a parked car "He's gone insane, yeah he's acting nuts. Come on we've got moves to bust" Wyatt told her, we all headed over and merged up, all of us singing and dancing now "All you have to do is give an inch then we gonna take it to the top. Do it like the zombies do, don't stop. Do it like the zombies do" Zed caught a football that was thrown at him and spun it on his finger and Wynter tackled him to the ground, making me wince before the whole werewolf packed howled loudly before running away. I leaned over Zed, who was still in pain on the ground "Yeah, that went badly dude. I don't think we got their vote, sorry"

Yayyy, another update. I've been super busy lately that updating this just slipped my mind, so here it is!!

Ain't No Doubt About It (Zed And Wyatt x OC)Where stories live. Discover now