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A/N: can y'all believe we're almost to the end of this book? I haven't had this much fun since I wrote my G-Eazy books a few years ago!

Three months later...

Bradley had been busy with weekly doctor's appointments, and when I wasn't busy taking him, I was speed cleaning and trying to get the bedroom ready for Charlotte's arrival. I'd gotten some other small baby stuff like a bath chair, shampoo, body wash, some bottles and other small things that I felt were necessary. Bradley had assured me that I was well prepared, but I had felt like I wasn't.

Bits and pieces of his memory had started to come back, which was a huge relief off of my shoulders because it meant we were moving in the right direction. He could tell you what he does in the Navy, who Maverick and Phoenix are, and he can even tell me how we met and where we got engaged. That was all he could really remember at this point, but I was willing to take what I could get.

That morning around 2, I started having sharp and constant lighting pain in my stomach. They came and went every couple minutes, and then it dawned on me that I was having contractions. Bradley still didn't remember that we were married or were having a baby, so I didn't want to wake him up and bother him. Slowly, I sat up and waddled over to the bathroom and walked in, shutting the door before I turned the light on.

At that point, my contractions were about 8-10 minutes apart, and Dr. Nixon had told me the week prior to not go into labor and delivery unless they were 5 minutes or less. I quickly undressed and let my clothes fall down to the floor before turning on the water and stepping in. I stood with my arms over my chest and closed my eyes as the warm water ran down my back.

Occasionally, I winced and hissed when the pain got too sharp, and I must've been too loud, because the bathroom door opened up and I heard Bradley's voice.

"Jordan? What are you doing?" He asked as he stood outside the shower door. "It's 2 a.m."

"I'm having contractions," I sniffled as I rested my forehead against the shower wall. "They hurt, so I thought I'd come in here. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Can I do anything?" I heard the sympathy in his voice, which made me smile slightly. "Get you something to drink or rub your back?"

"Yes to both," I said weakly as I heard his footsteps leave the room and come back a couple minutes later. I turned around when the door closed and took the blue Powerade he handed me. "Thank you."

I opened the cap and took a drink, only realizing then how thirsty I was. The bottle was only 16 ounces, and I drank about half of it. Hopefully that would help the contractions. Bradley undressed as I took another drink, holding the bottle against my chest in my arms when I leaned back against the wall.

"You don't have to get in here with me," I said as I closed my eyes when the warm water ran down my back again. "I already feel bad for waking you up. You need to rest."

"I'm not the one nine months pregnant," He said back to me as he stepped in the shower behind me and shut the door. First he grabbed my hips and gently started rubbing them. I breathed out a sigh of relief and closed my eyes again, trying to breathe through another contraction. "Shouldn't you call Phoenix soon? She is your support person for labor, right?"

Bradley and I had a long and very emotional discussion, and he did not feel right being in the room with me since his memory was still not back 100%. As much as it hurt, I supported his decision and thanked him for being honest with me.

"Yeah," I said weakly again as he rubbed my lower back. "Can you call her for me? When you're finished..."

He kissed the top of my head as he rubbed my back for a couple more minutes, and then stepped out to call Phoenix. My contractions never subsided, so I called Dr. Nixon, and she told me to go into the admitting desk and she was sending an admission form to labor and delivery.

Promise Me // Bradley Bradshaw x OCWhere stories live. Discover now