When Lightning Strikes

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Living with dragons has its ups and downs, that's why you need to stay calm and keep a clear head, that's not always easy for Vikings, so when a problem is caused by something than they don't understand, they lose all sense of reason

On berk they were building perches for the dragons because some of them rested on the houses making the wooden supports of these snapped and making the houses collapse

Luckily Hiccup came up with the idea of building perches made of iron for them, once they finished Astrid and Stormfly flew up to test them

Stormfly however was a little nervous "It's okay girl" Astrid said gently "Take it easy"

Stormfly landed on the perch and it held her weight, all of the Vikings cheered except the twins who were disappointed because nothing got destroyed

"So, we built these things so stuff wouldn't break?" Tuffnut asked confused

"I don't understand you people" Ruffnut said confused as well

"And they ticked us into helping them, I feel so used and sweaty" Tuffnut said dropping his hammer before walking away followed by Ruffnut

(Hiccup's house)

Later that night Hiccup, Stoick, Gobber and Blake reunited on Hiccup's house to celebrate their success in company of Toothless and Thunder who were eating some fish

"Perches for dragons, some of your best work" Stoick said lifting his mug before giving it a disgusted sight "Although we may need to move the one over the well"

Confused Blake looked inside of his mug before pushing it gently away from him "Definitely" he muttered

"The perches are just the biggening" Hiccup said lifting his mug but Stoick stopped him "We could build landing areas for them, maybe even stables in the caves around the village and-"

"Easy son" Stoick said interrupting Hiccup "Remember, Berk is still for people"

"Vikings before dragons" Gobber said making Toothless and Thunder look at him "Yeah, I said it, deal with it"

Suddenly they heard a rumbling sound outside that scared Toothless so he ran upstairs

Hiccup, Stoick, Gobber and Blake looked outside of the house and saw some lightning striking on the dragon perches

"The lightning's hitting everywhere" Hiccup said, when Thunder heard that, he ran out of the house looking happily how did the lightning strike

"At least someone is enjoying it" Blake said looking at Thunder

"Thor must be angry" Gobber said "The only other time I ever remember lightning striking Berk-"

"Barnstat" Stoick and Gobber said

"I'm sorry, who?" Blake asked confused

"Jorgen Barnstat, drifter, sailed into town, he was stealing from widows and old men" Stoick explained

"To punish him Thor gave him a lightning bolt right to his helmet when he was fixing the mast on his ship to make his escape" Gobber said pointing at a helmet that was hanging on the wall

"By the time Thor was finished with him, our whole fleet was on fire" Stoick said

"We shipped him of the island and Thor hasn't hit the village since" Gobber said

"Threw him off the island? Pretty harsh" Hiccup said

Suddenly more lightnings started to hit the houses catching them on fire making the people scream and run away from the burning houses

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