Chapter 15

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Orliantha and Mihris spent months in the ocean. She would bring food to her in the cave, slowly going from catching small fish to large ones. Orliantha always shared with Mihris what she ate, and once she was nearly back to full strength she began hunting again. Mihris rode on her back when she could, and when hunting she would copy her, herding what fish she could and trying to learn from what Orliantha was doing. Orliantha seemed to find it sweet that she mimicked her, cracking an occasional smile while watching Mihris try and herd schools of fish the same way as her. She didn't have as much spatial awareness as Orliantha, occasionally straying off and getting stung by jellyfish or coral.

She also learned the dangers of the ocean, and the other sirens and packs. Orliantha would hide with her in rock faces and caves in silence, waiting for groups of sirens to pass by. Orliantha' s ears were trained to hear all the frequencies of the ocean practically, and she would listen with her ear pressed to the water, waiting till there was silence once again. She always went out first, then brought Mihris out when it was deemed safe enough for her comfort.

Mihris and Orliantha laid together on a rockface within another cave they had found, tangled in each other's grasp. Orliantha' s hands were tangled in Mihris's hair as she peppered her face with gentle kisses, their tails intertwined. Mihris had her arms lazily strewn around Orliantha' s neck, enjoying the attention she was being given. Orliantha was affectionate, but only for a few moments when Mihris's safety wasn't at risk. The large ink stain that Orliantha had was gone, her heart finally healed and mended by Mihris's actions and affections towards her. Orliantha ran her hands down Mihris's face, cupping her cheeks as she pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss.

"Do you miss your old life?" Orliantha rested her chin on Mihris's chest, exhaling as she did.

"I do," Orliantha twirled a strand of Mihris's hair around her fingers. "But I also like my life with you."

"Then go back." Mihris looked down at her, surprised by her answer. It wasn't full of spite or malice.

"I can still be a part of your life even if you're up there on land."

"But what if the others capture you again? What if they,"

Orliantha held a clawed finger to Mihris's lips.

"If they killed me, they would have to kill you too. just because you walk on land more than me doesn't make us all that different." Mihris sighed.

"Just a little while longer with you."

"Just a little."

Mr. Gulliver was out cleaning up the debris from the harsh storm that had come in. Mihris's boat was left untouched, the flowers, old and new having been covered by a large tarp to protect them. The others had come up with the idea of placing a compass in the center of the memorial, in hopes that Mihris would find her way home if she were to return. He walked down the beach; her old bag slung over his shoulder along with his coat as he picked up the shells that had washed up in the storm. It was November, and the freezing wind blew the remaining leaves from the trees. They always celebrate Mihris's birthday in November, as no one knew when her exact birthdate was. He sighed, looking out at the water and waves, scratching his beard. There was a large log not far away, a tree having been blown over in the storm. It was perpendicular to another tree, having somehow only scraped some of the bark off. There was an old sail on the other side of it, draped over the log slightly. He cautiously made his way over to it, climbing over the log. No one had lost a sail recently, and it looked to be in alright condition. He slowly moved it, stopping as he saw a familiar head of sea blue hair. Mihris was asleep under it, it partially tucked beneath her bare body. Her warm breath came out in white puffs, her necklace hanging loosely around her neck. He slowly took the coat off his shoulder, pulling it onto Mihris cautiously so as not to wake her.

Dark WaterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora