Juleka rubbed their eyes, coming into the kitchen and wordlessly putting a hand on Luka's shoulder "they'll be back soon. Besides, you have Adrien too."

Luka blinked, coming out of the meditative state making bracelets sends him to "You're right," Luka sighed "but Adrien's so busy and I don't wanna bug (Y/N) while they're on vacation."

"You're partners, Luka. They encourage being bugged." Juleka groaned, well-aware that Luka always thinks he's a bother. "It's late now but try and call (Y/N) in the morning, get some advice.

Luka nodded, his eyes drooping as he got off the counter and slowly made his way to bed.


It had been 6 days and both boys continued to play anxiety chicken. The only time they talked to eachother was in the group
chat with (Y/N), which wasn't nearly as much as they wanted. But (Y/N) was supposed to be coming home the next day.

Luka nearly caved, but threw the phone across the room when he remembered Adrien had a meeting that day. He spent the afternoon in his room playing another game (Y/N) had gotten him. He spent the evening in one of Adrien's hoodies and in (Y/N)'s room, since he was lucky enough to have a key. He was almost asleep when the sound of slow rain hitting the windows began. Then his phone rang with (Y/N)'s ringtone and he scrambled to answer it. "My love? Is everything okay?"

"Hey! I have Adrien on the line too," (Y/N) said, their voice quiet as they knew it was late "I have some bad news."

"What is it?" Adrien's voice came through, sounding anxious and downright exhausted.

"Owen and Milo want to extend the trip so I won't be back until next week."

Luka physically deflated into the bed, fighting back the lump in his throat "Oh, Okay."

"I know you guys miss me but you've been spending all kinds of time together, right?" (Y/N) asked, grunting softly on the other end of the phone, likely getting into bed.

No, you've always done the planning. "of course we have!" Luka said, "Adrien and I just saw eachother today."

Adrien let out a small noise of confirmation, but overall stayed quiet outside of shuffling on his end of the phone.

"Well good, because I don't like the thought of you guys laying around worried to bother eachother. Make sure you hang out tomorrow and send pictures, I miss my boys."

"Of course, doll," Luka whispered, smiling fondly "you should get to bed."

"I know, I'm going now. Sleep well, boys!" And a short beep signified (Y/N) leaving the call.

Luka was left with the sound of Adrien's breathing and the unspoken question in the air "why did you lie?". Unfortunately for Luka, Adrien hung up before he could explain.


Adrien was fighting back tears as he pulled his shoes on, grabbing his jacket and not even bothering to call a driver, he knew his was asleep. He didn't care about the rain. He needed to see Luka or he was going to go insane. He needed to know why he lied- but he also just needed to cry in his boyfriend's arms because he missed him.

He ran the 15 miles to the houseboat and knocked on the door at 23:00, only to find a very tired Juleka answering the door to inform Adrien he was at (Y/N)'s. Adrien apologized frantically for waking Juleka as the storm worsened, and ran to (Y/N)'s, making it just before midnight. Panting, soaking wet, and sobbing, he rang the doorbell.

Luka, who was all the way in the attic, was scared shitless when the doorbell rang, and he ran downstairs as fast he could. He opened the door to be met with the soaking and sobbing mess that was Adrien Agreste. He closed the door as thunder crashed and kissed Adrien's head as he sobbed, "darlin, what's wrong?"

"Why did you lie?" Adrien choked out, borderline hyperventilating "why have you been ignoring me? Why the hell weren't you home? How are you here, less than a five minute walk away from my house and you didn't think to tell me? I ran all the way to your house only for Juleka to tell me you're here-" He hugged Luka tighter, but Luka could tell it was because he was gonna collapse more than because he missed him in that moment.

Luka kissed Adrien softly, feeling Adrien melt into it "I was worried I was going to bother you...I know it sounds stupid- but I didn't wanna ruin your alone time or- and well- I'm here because I have a key and I missed (Y/N) so I kinda let myself in- wait you ran to my house and back?"

Adrien started hiccupping as he tried to respond "why didn't you call?"

"Why didn't you?"

"I was worried that I was gonna bother you." Adrien confessed, laughing at their own stupidity.

"You could never bother me." Luka cooed, kissing Adrien again, his hands in his hair as he backed the blond against the door. "I promise."

Adrien could only manage a nod as Luka took his hand.

"Let's get you in the shower, before you catch a cold." Luka chuckled, kissing the boy again before bringing Adrien upstairs. He laid his own clothes out for Adrien and joined him in the shower. He ran his hands over his boyfriend's body as he cleaned him off and massaged shampoo into his hair. The blond was pampered as an apology for his boyfriend's anxious nature, and he nearly moaned when Luka started massaging his back when they finally left the shower and settled in (Y/N)'s bed.

Adrien pulled Luka in for a kiss, which turned into what had to have been a hundred kisses, each one needier and deeper than the next as they let their hands explore eachother. However, it ended with a Luka kissing Adrien on the forehead before Adrien settled in, cuddled into Luka's side with his head on his chest. "Never go that long without talking to me again." Adrien whispered.

"Never again, promise." Luka whispered, finally letting himself cry.

"Good," Adrien smiled, reaching his hand up to wipe the boy's tears "because I missed you so much that if you do that again I might have to kill you." I love you.

"I might just have to kill you for running so far in the rain." Luka scolded, a smirk on his face "That is if getting sick doesn't beat me to it." I love you too.

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