"Good. Now remember to smile... and don't be shy about it. Act coy, catch his attention, and make sure you keep it," Old Vaeri commanded. "The tribe needs this. Think of your young sister and her fiance. If you wish for them to thrive, you must get Lord Abel's approval."

"I know," Ashrynn replied, lifting his head high. He would do this. But not for the tribe.

Ashrynn had his own reasons to volunteer for this.

A knock on the door, and one of the demon lord's cronies poked their horned head into the room. "Master calls for all the supplicants. You are to go to the antechamber. Your entourage must wait here for further instructions."

Swallowing down his trepidation, Ashrynn nodded. With one last glance at the three women, he murmured, "If I am chosen... please make sure my sister is taken care of."

"She will be," Old Vaeri replied.

Holding his head high, Ashrynn left the room and followed the directions to the throne room's antechamber. There, with five others dressed in layers of sheer fabrics and carefully placed gold, everyone stayed well away from each other.

A mirror caught Ashrynn's eyes, and he turned, inspecting himself. The sheer veil cascaded over his jeweled flower hairpiece and thick braid, making his long dark ears stand out. The pastels of the fabric and the glittering vibrancy of the jewels contrasted with his dusky skin. The powder on his cheeks did not hide his dark freckles, and the paint on his lips and around his eyes only enhanced his natural features.

He tried not to stare at the wine-red choker around his neck or the engraved spider on its front.

"Fasni Tribe," called a tall creature from the far doors. A young woman with long limbs in vibrant green quickly ran forward. From her looks, Ashrynn thought she might be a dryad or nymph. She disappeared through the doors, and moments later, music began.

The tall creature returned to the doors and called out, "Stigoh tribe." Another young woman, this one wearing white, darted forward. The creature stopped her at the door, waiting until the music died before restarting with a different tune. The creature motioned her forward.

Another tribe name, another dancer, until Ashrynn stood alone in the antechamber. The creature's eyes fell on Ashrynn, and finally, the beastly creature intoned, "Juspei tribe."

Ashrynn took a deep breath and straightened his back. He strode forward and waited at the door until the music died. The creature motioned him on, and Ashrynn flowed into the room.

The music began, and he had no time to meet the demon lord's eyes. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the long, spindly legs covered in white fur sprawled on piles of cushions on the raised dais. As he spun and dipped, his arms wide and his legs flowing into each step, Ashrynn did his best to lose himself in the music rather than think about what would happen if the demon lord chose him.

Don't think, Ashrynn told himself, just move.

The bells and disks called attention to his hips, ankles, and wrists with each step. Then he slipped the veil free, and the fabric became a new tool of his dance. His thick braid spun with the veil, twirling with the music, creating a dancing partner for Ashrynn to time each step. Each twitch of his hips, each quick undulation of his midsection and waist, each flick of his chin and neck sent tinkling tones through the vast throne room.

When the music finally rolled to a stop, Ashrynn collapsed to his knees. His braid fell over his shoulder, the veil fluttered down in a semi-circle behind him, and his chest heaved from the effort.

A moment passed, and his stomach dropped. The lord said nothing. But then the sound of a door opening and the tinkling of ankle bells reached his ears. The other dancers hurried forward and knelt in front of the raised dais. They waited there, not daring to lift their eyes.

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