50 // New Chapter

Start from the beginning

The judge sighed, "Please refrain from swearing in court."

The lawyer then continued, "So, how did this play out during the fight?"

"Well, it was all going according to plan. George got Techno in the right position and I managed to fire the gun. The bullet would have hit Techno right in the chest. The plan was then to tie up Phil and show Dream a pic of Techno saying I'd killed him. Then I'd turn on George and tie him up along with Phil. I'd help Techno up and we would have gone on to Greenview hospital to take Dream by surprise. It would have given us the upper hand in that fight."

"Objection: hearsay!" Dream's lawyer called again, "That response does not answer the question presented to the whiteness."

The judge nodded at this, "Objection acknowledged. Please state to the court how the plan played out."

  Sapnap nodded. "Got it, sorry. As I was saying, we had everyone in the right position, so I fired the gun, but at the last moment Tommy just came out of nowhere and caught the bullet."

Tommy stared wide-eyed at Techno and whispered "Does that mean I haven't got superpowers?" A small disappointed groan escaped his lips.

"I'm afraid not little gremlin... but on the plus side, I know that I can trust you with my life." Techno gave Tommy a little hug.

The rest of the court case was pretty boring. Over the course of the next week and a bit, 14 other witnesses were called to testify - including Bad and Ranboo. The latter of which lost his job after the court heard about how he'd allowed Phil to do what he did without punishment; it wasn't too bad though because upon hearing the news, the police department offered him a a job working as a guard at one of the biggest prisons in the country. They said something about his "ruthless lack of regard to wellbeing" being perfect for the job. Phil was also told to internship there by his parents in order to "learn how to properly discipline people".

Finally, after almost two weeks of court, the case came to an end.

"What if they find him innocent?" Tommy whispered to Tubbo while the jury were making their decisions. He really had no reason to whisper, but it felt natural in such a high stress situation.

"They won't, king. Dream is a very bad person and will be locked away for a long time," Tubbo replied.

"But what if-"

"There have been too many witnesses testifying against him, mate. There wasn't even one in support of him." Phil gently put his arm around Tommy's shoulders.

"It's just a matter of which punishment he gets. My bet is on life imprisonment." Techno rested his head on Tommy's shoulder.

After what felt like an eternity, the jury came back out. Not one of them made eye contact with Dream. No one in the audience made eye contact with dream. Not even Tommy.

"This jury," the Judge stated after banging their mallet a few times, "finds Dream guilty of murder, attempted bombing, child abuse, gang crime, arson on twelve separate occasions, kidnapping, theft, robbery, illegal possession of weaponry and resting arrest. I sentence you to life imprisonment. Case dismissed."

With that, a chapter of Tommy's life came to a close. He looked at his brothers and friends around him and felt comfort and excitement with what was yet to come. He's going to enjoy this next chapter.

"Hey... uhm I know I haven't been particularly nice to you," Tommy was brought out of his thoughts by a voice. He looked up to be met with the eyes of Wilbur, "but I just want to apologise. I had no idea what you were going through. I know that doesn't excuse what I've done, but I really am sorry and I want to make it up to you. I came to the last day of the hearing to apologise and find out what was really happening with you. I'm sorry. I was a dick."

"Yeah, you were." Tommy nudged Techno, who rolled his eyes but shut up nevertheless.

"Techno! Look, I appreciate the apology but you know I can't just forgive you like that."

"O-of course I mean I wasn't expecting you to and-" Tommy interrupted Wilbur.

"But, maybe if you were a little nicer I could?" Tommy smiled when he saw a sparkle of hope flicker in Wilbur's eyes. "Why don't you start by bringing us some coffee?"

Wilbur reciprocated Tommy's smile fondly. "Coming right up!"

Yeah, he was going to like this next chapter a lot.


Wellllllllllllllllllllllll my amazing readers...

That is it! The end! I hope you all enjoyed the story a lot and your comments really mean the world to me. I've really enjoyed writing this over the past year.

Aaaaaaand I hope to start a new story soon, so be sure to look out for a post from me. I've got a couple of ideas and this Friday I'll also you to vote on your favourite. I promise next time I'll have a more consistent upload schedule which I'll also post.

But until then, goodbye :)

- Charlie

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