But then he started to lay in to them about not knowing what I wanted. And that they were using me. They weren't using me, I was using them. But he just kept going on and on about a whole lot more. Until finally he pointed to the way I had left and told them "good luck finding him". I got up as quick as I could and started running in to camp. Before I had made it 2 steps they were gone. For once I wasn't fast enough, they were faster then even me.

When I made it to the camp fire I stopped and looked at Danual. I was furious. "Why? Why did you tell them that? Why did you do that? Why those things? Why? You shouldn't have told them anything. You could have ruined everything." I dropped to my knees and started crying in earnest. "Why you do that? They not using me. I using them. I using them this whole time and they can no know why. It not them, it me. I the one that should be running after them. But they to fast now. I not fast now. I not good enough now. I try and try but I not good enough for them. Why you make it worse on them? They the good guys here. Not me."

I was picked up and held tight as I kept crying. I couldn't stop the tears coming out of me. Then Danual asked me a question. "If you could have anyone holding you right now, who would it be?" That got e to pause my crying for a second.

"I want my daddies. I want my Husky and my Wolf. But they not here. You sent them away. I was gone a long time and they not be back soon." I put my hands back up to my face and tried to stop my tears, but they just wouldn't stop.

"So if one of your daddies were to come through that clearing right now would you tell him everything? Would you tell him what you like and don't like? Would you tell him that you thought you were using him?" I was nodding the whole time to every question he asked.

"I... I tell him I sorry too. And I need them. And I want them both to be my daddies too. But they not here. And I needs them now. I really really needs them." Then he pulled me away from his body and held my by my armpits. Then he tossed me away from him. I screamed. I didn't have time to think or to understand why he just tossed me away.

Run!! Find Max!! Find my son!! Got his scent. Now run and find him. Faster. Have to go faster. I need my Max.

Run!! Need Max!! Have to find Max!! Got his scent. Now run fast. Have to run faster. Need my pup.

My fault. I should have known better. Need to find him now. Got his scent. Now run. Faster. Run faster and find that baby.

Dam, dam, dam. Not going to loose this family too. Need to find him. Found his tracks. Jesus those dogs are fast. Need to find my little brother. Need to find Max.

Not going to loose him. Not going to loose another kid under my watch. Not going to loose my Max. This baby is going to come home. I can see his tracks. I can find him. Dam those dogs can run fast. Need to find baby Max.

Huskies POV

Plates dropped and we all ran. In a second we all were where Danual said that he last seen Max. We all shifted to our animal forms. I started sniffing and found his scent. I ran. I not only could smell him, but I could see his scent too. It was an odd color like aquamarine, a blueish color. It fit him well. I fallowed it and ran as fast as I could. I kept running and running. I had my tough hanging out to cool me as I ran. I could taste him now. I just couldn't hear him yet.

Faster and faster I ran. Trees flew by me as my paws floated across the forests floor. Weaving in and out of the trees was my babies scent. I broke out of the woods to see where he had stopped for some reason. I looked around to see that I was just outside of our camp. I shifted to a half form so I could go the rest of the way on two feet. Less then a second behind me Wolf did the same. Within 10 seconds the rest of the guys were there too. We all stopped and saw Danual holding what was ours. Our baby boy. Our little one. Our Max.

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