Volume 3: Mentality Can Break

Start from the beginning

"That's weird. No one noticed how tired he was last night, not even us."

"Well I saw what I saw. I wouldn't lie about things like these." Ichinose said.

"We don't doubt you, it's just that it doesn't add up yet. We'll ask him later. Anyway, did you get a Class C refugee?" Horikita went to business.

"Ah yeah, he's Kaneda Satoru-kun. That guy with the glasses over there." Ichinose answered, pointing to a person by Class B's grill.

"Interesting, then it's no coincidence."

"Did you also get a Class C refugee?"

"Yes, Ibuki Mio-san. She said she got into an argument with what Ryuuen was doing and got kicked out of the camp."

"Eh? That's exactly what Kaneda-kun said."

That settled it. With Ichinose's remark, my suspicions became reality. Class C sent out spies.


Toma Hisoka POV

We got the leader safely back our campsite. Thanks to our rather large group, we only managed to capture three other spots before needing to return. Now this posed a risk for us.

The first is that we'd have to walk around claiming spots with the same exact group. If someone was added or taken out, Ibuki who was staying at our camp, or any other class we run into will eliminate people on their suspect list, little by little. The second is that since the group was so big, we would only capture a few spots at a time. Including the river base spot, we have a total of four spots under our class' rule.

Now, we had all split up once again to explore. I was with Shizuko and Kouenji, whom I both hand-picked myself because I explained it to Hirata. The former was self-explanatory while the latter wanted to do whatever he wanted. I had to keep an eye on him so that he wouldn't break our deal. 

"So, Toma-girl. Do you have any particular hobbies?" 

...Did he want to die that badly?

"I just like to read, that's all."

No Shizuko, you're supposed to ignore the big bad flirting boy. Have I taught you nothing?

"Hmm, and what about your sense of fashion? Do you often take a long time to decide on what you should wear?" 

"I just pick out whatever fits me."

Kouenji shot me a look of disappointment. What? Does he think its my fault that Shizuko chose to prioritize finances? 

Bullshit! I just realized I forgot to put a clause that he's not allowed to flirt with her. I'm such an idiot.

"That's enough you two, we're almost there." I said, trying to change the topic.

"Did you even know where we are going, Toma-boy?" 

"Of course, we're heading to enemy territory." 

Since we were finally close enough, I could start hearing the yells and laughter. No, this wasn't Class B, and it was definitely not Class A. This was Class C's camp, which I ran into but decided to run away before someone would notice me. 

I really didn't want to deal with someone like Ryuuen at that time. Since I was quite angry, I might've snapped while talking to him. But here we are now, since I already meditated, I'm quite confident I can deal with him properly. 

I pushed through the last bit of bushes and found myself looking at something I didn't expect. Class C was having the time of their lives, by that I meant they were actually enjoying their summer vacation. They had food grilling on the side, a volleyball net and beachball to play with. They even had a jet ski, which I saw roaring through the waters. 

COTE: Mysterious Siblings(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now