As promised Cadel had bought Jimin a horse. He had done so for all the new recruits who had been walking. Jimin was thankful as were the others.

So when they set off they were able to keep a faster pace. Cadel had informed the recruits that the capital was only 3 days away.

Jimin personally had never seen the capital, only heard stories from the occasional wandering traveller who rested their head in the village inn.

Apparently the buildings were so tall they reached the clouds. Jimin doubted that was true, he just couldn't imagine it. Perhaps the travellers had exaggerated their stories for the imagination of children.

But what he could believe was that the capital was the home to the King of Dragons. Well the King sure liked to call himself that. But that was only because he was the one who captured practically all the dragons into slavery.

He liked to believe he was superior. Jimin had heard he was a man in his 50s, and he had enslaved all the dragons by his 30s, the previous Kings had started the work for him.

It had taken 4 generations of Kings and rulers to have almost full dominance over the dragon race.

Now days it was rare to see a dragon unless it was owned by a noble. They bought them as eggs and raised them as pets. Jimin had always seen it as barbaric.

His gaze slid back to the newly captured dragon they were transporting. Jimin had no idea what would happen to him. That thought made him uneasy.

Jimin debated in that moment whether he should free the dragon in the night. If he could effectively break the chains or unlock them the dragon could fly away under the cover of darkness and be free from a certain future of slavery.

But the plan was rough at best, it was probably treason too. He would mostly likely be reprimanded or maybe executed, he didn't quite like those outcomes. But he couldn't just let a matter like this sit.

He would make it to nightfall, then he would talk to the dragon. Hopefully he could answer his questions and perhaps Jimin could secure the dragon's freedom as well.

But for now he rode on, despite the ache in his thighs.

"Jimin up front" Cadel's voice startled him. Looking up in confusion at the Captain. Cadel beckoned with his fingers for him to come closer.

Jimin rode up till his horse was side by side with the older man.

"Think you are ready yet?" Cadel asked.

"Ready for what sir?" Jimin was very confused.

"To see the capital become a knight to defend the country" Cadel asked as if he were discussing the weather, it was very hot by the way.

"I'm not sure yet sir, I'm not much of a fighter" Jimin confessed.

Cadel looked him up and down, it looked like he agreed with Jimin on the statement.

"Don't worry I'll train you up. I chose you personally so I know you'll be one of the best" Cadel's confidence was astounding to Jimin.

Jimin wasn't quite sure how to explain that he used to cry for every animal his father brought into the butchers shop, even holding little funerals for them.

"Thank you sir" Jimin deemed it the best response.

"If you have any question feel free to ask" Cadel smiled invitingly.

"What will happen to the dragon sir?" The question was out of his mouth before he could stop himself.

Cadel looked at him quizzically.

"I've only ever seen one dragon, they were a noble's pet I think. It that the same in the capital?" Jimin made it sound like he was an oblivious country bumpkin, he really was though.

"Well it is too old to be a house pet. Might get sent to work in a smithy, mining, or as a ride" Cadel shrugged.

"A ride?" Jimin inquired.

"They are possibly the best fighters in our army. Personally selected by the King. Riders are those who can tame the dragons, they ride them into battle. You haven't seen power till you've seen a rider" Cadel spoke of them in awe.

"I think I want to be a rider" Jimin declared.

"Doesn't everyone kid" Cadel laughed.



Would you want to be a rider?

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.




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