Chapter 26 Questions, Questions

Start from the beginning

A warmth spreads through me, but it's a good kind. Something changes in me when I look at the others, but I don't know what it is. I like it though. I like them.

I take a bite of my chocolate ice cream and sit back to watch the movie.


I must've fallen asleep because when I open my eyes, only Jax is still here on the bed. He's scrolling through something on his phone, and I just watch him. He looks different now then when I first met him. Or I guess I never really looked at him like I am now. His blond hair shines in the sunlight, almost illuminating his face. It contrasts with the dark clothes he normally wears, but I think he makes it work. He actually looks... sexy?

"Are you going to keep staring at me all day?"

My eyes go to his, and I see that he's looking right at me.

For some reason, I feel hot.

I sit up and stretch, looking around the room, anywhere but at him. "Where is everyone?" My voice sounds tired, my eyes burn, and my chest hurts.

"They all went to get dinner. I volunteered to stay behind with you in case you woke up when they're gone."

"Oh." I rub at my eyes, suddenly feeling hurt. I shouldn't. They'll be back. But still.

Jax puts his phone down. "Since you are up, I have dinner duty for you. Anything you want. I can either make it for you or buy it."

"Oh, it's okay." I climb out of the bed. I wobble when I first stand up, but I ignore it and try getting out of the room. "It's fine. I'm fine. I'm gonna—" The room spins and maybe I'm falling, but my head is pounding, and I feel weird.

"Woah. Take it easy."

Jax picks me up bridal style, and I shove my face into his neck where it's dark. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the dizziness to pass.

"I don't feel so good," I mumble.

"I wouldn't think so. Crying that much isn't something to take lightly." He carries me to the kitchen and sets me down. "Can you stand now?"

I open my eyes to see his concerned ones. Then I look down and nod my head. He lets me go, and I hold onto the counter for support. I nod, and he backs away. He goes to the fridge and opens it.

"Let's get something in you before you fall over again. How does soup sound?" He looks back at me.

I smile and nod, trying to at least seem okay, but my head is pounding, my chest hurts to breathe, and there's a spot behind my right eyebrow that feels like someone is stabbing me.

Jax sees right through me though and comes over. In one swift move, he grabs my hips, lifts me, and sits me on the counter.

I look at him in confusion.

"You look like you're going to drop at any moment."

I look at him, but he doesn't move. He looks at me, and I'm suddenly aware of his hands on my hips and my legs on the sides of him. When did that happen?

And why is my heart pounding so violently?

Jax leans in until he's right in front of me. Our eyes don't leave each other. I can feel his breath on my lips. He glances down at my lips, and my breath hitches.

"Can I kiss you?" he breathes out, and before I can think about it, I nod.

He leans in and presses his lips to mine.

My eyes close, and everything in me relaxes. Still not used to kissing, I copy whatever Jax is doing as best I can. I try to put everything I have into the kiss. I feel his hands tighten on my hips, and he pulls me closer. My hands gently go to his shoulders, but he sucks on my bottom lip, and my hands tighten in his hair. My body heats up.

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