Chapter 12

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Y/n's pov:

Me and Fudou were now in shock as we see a photo of Tamaba, the green haired girl ontop of Fudou, basically naked.

Fudou:"Wha-what the hell is this!?" He asked in a shocked tone.

All of a sudden, Onigawara-san throws a horizontal slash towards Fudou as Kikakujo-san pulls me away from him and places me behind him.

Mary:"Get away from him, Y/n!"

Rin:"Yeah, your brother's a menace! A no good role model!" They said to Y/n, urging him to get away from Fudou.

After that, Kikakujo-san moves in and tries to swing at Fudou, only for him to dodge.

Mary:"So, any way for you to explain, huh!?" She yelled at him

Fudou:"Wa-wait, I have no memory of this!?" He yelled to convince them.

But it falls on deaf ears as Rin goes in for a slash.

Rin:"Pathetic! Die!" She yelled as she throws a vertical slash to Fudou.

As soon as Rin'a blade get's near Fudou, I step in and kick the blade to the side, knocking Rin towards the left, making her stumble.

Mary:"Y/n! Why do you defend him!? He has done something tedious and unoforgivable!" She yelled at me.

Y/n:"He's my brother, that's all the reason I need." I answered as I dash towards them.

This caught Kikakujo-san off-guard as she takes a steb back, and was about to deliver a stab to me. But, instead of dodging and hitting her, I grab a fisfull of sand and threw it at her eyes.

Y/n:"Sorry." I apologized briefly as she was blinded by sand.

Mary:"Mes yeux! I can't see!" She yelled as she held was rubbing her eyes nonstop.

I then dash back to Fudou and grab him by the arm as we make a run for it.

Y/n:"Run!" I yelled to him briefly as he nods.

Rin:"Wait! Y/n-" She was cut off as we couldn't hear her now as we were quite away.

As we ran, we arrive at the schoolbuilding as we enter and ran to any places safe for hiding.

Fudou:"Thank's for believing in me, Y/n!" He thanked while we were running as I nod in response.

As we ran, we take a turn as we continued running, only for me to bump into something, making me fall.

Fudou:"Y/n! You okay?" He asked worried.

Warabi:"What are you doing, you two? You should walk only walk in halls." Warabi said to to us as she was riding on Kyo-bo.

Rin:"Where are they!?" We hear Onigawara-san suddenly scream in the halls we came from.

Fudou:"Oh no, their here! Quick we gotta-" He was cut off as Kyo-bo approaches us. "Come on, we don't have ti-" He was cut off again as I grab him by the hand.

I then pull him under Kyo-bo as we began to crawl towards the back and as we arrive there, we hide behind Kyo-bo to not be seen by Onigawara-san and Kikakujo-san.

After a while of silence with the footsteps stopping, we hear footsteps that indicated were 2 people leaving the area.

Warabi:"They're gone." Warabi informed us as we finally get out of our hiding spot behind Kyo-bo.

Fudou:"*Sigh* Thank's, Kyo-bo." He thanks Kyo-bo as the latter turns it's head towards us.

It then suddenly start's licking my face as I respond by giving it headpats, as it seemingly enjoyed them, making me recieving a few growls and licks.

The Silent Martial Artist  (Quiet Male Reader x Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism)Where stories live. Discover now