" Yea-h sure "

Hearing that word coming from her, you extend your hand asking for something. She frowned didn't know what does that suppo to mean.

" Umbrella "

" Ah right " Karina chuckled awkwardly before putting the umbrella to your palm, you opened it and step out of the store and face her.

" Let's go " you motioned her to join you.

For Karina that sounds wrong. Exes sharing one umbrella ? is that even possible ?

But well who is she to disagree, she definitely love that idea.

After joining you, You and Karina started walking to the 7 11 store across the road. The girl shiver on coldness once she felt the aircon touch her skin.

" What do you want ? " You asked her while checking the ice cream inside the cooler.

" corneto " She smiles before grabbing one inside.

You hummed and check the ice cream again with your pouted lips.

Karina knows it's your habit to pout when you're thinking seriously and she could only fimd it cute to the point she let out a chuckle, which obviously didn't escape from you.

" Why did you laugh ? " You look at her.

Karina shake her head. " Because you're cute "

With the unexpected response, you rolled your eyes at her. " Oh. Shut up "

Sitting on one of the tables and chairs just infront of the store, you and Karina sat there beside each other while waiting for the ramyeon to cool down a little.

" Are you stupid ? " You asks Karina.

You were talking about random things while finishing the ice cream before eating the ramyeon.

" Why were you even listening to what they're saying ? "

You and Karina are talking about what happened yesterday and some tough times in her life. Actually Karina insisted the conversation and you're not against it after all.

" You're right " She chuckles. " I'm stupid "

Finishing your ice cream, you speak again. " No, that's not what I meant "

Karina hummed ofcourse she knows, but she's just really thinking that she's literally stupid. " I thought I would be able to do everything by myself and think matured once I turned 20, " She sighs. " But I was wrong "

" I even feel like you've became an adult but not me. You think matured while I thinks stupid "

" I feel like I'm still the same high school student. I can't get anything right and think right " she licked her ice cream that's almost done.

You look at her. " What are you talking about ? " she looks at you. " I feel the same as you " you admits.

" Nothing is easy for me " You look away. " Everything is new and tough but, " you paused. " I think that's how life it's supposed to be "

" You think ? " Karina asked.

You nodded your head as an answer. " I mean just because you're not a teenager anymore doesn't mean you become an adult just like that "

Karina stared at you with amusement.

She don't know how did both of you ended up being comfortable with each other again after the talk, but somehow she likes what's happening. She's satisfied, actually.

" Aren't we all supposed to go through trials and errors like this to grow into adults ? " You look at her who just finished her ice cream.

Karina nodded her head in agreement. " That's.. really comforting "

You hummed.

" How was your job ? " Karina brought up a another topic.

" It was okay " You simply answered. " Tiring, And at the same time satisfying especially if you give justice to the one who deserves it "

Karina smiles, she felt the same to her job.

" How about you ? " You asks her back. " Was it okay to be lawyer than be a singer ? "

" It's fine. I like what I have now " She looks at you and you nodded your head.

Grabbing her chopsticks Karina split it into two. " Eat the ramyeon before it gets soggy "

You nodded your head once again before doing the same and after splitting it you started grabbing some noddles but once you put it in your mouth.

You cough.

Karina look at you and didn't waste a time to offer her bottled water which you gladly accept while you continued coughing.

Once you're done drinking you put the bottle on the table while Karina look at you with concern.

" It tastes like hell " You said earning a chuckle from her.

" Why did you even pick that ? " She laughs, " The lady suggested so " You answered once you stopped coughing.

Karina shake her head and smiles. " Have mine instead. It's not spicy "

With that, you look at her with shocked and confusion.

But Karina didn't wait for your answer instead she already switch her ramyeon with you. " Let me switch the chopsticks " she added.

You remained silent.

You hates spicy food and you didn't know that the lady suggested to you earlier is a spicy one. You were nice enough to not complain and just grab what she suggested.

Karina who seems notice that you were looking at her decided to not look back and pretend that she's busy mixing the ramyeon infront of her.

She then realized something from what she did.

Karina changed the food like what you both used to when one don't like it, when you're still together.

Karina stop mixing the ramyeon.

She realized you're not together anymore.

Looks like

Old habits really die hard.


cosmic love ( BOOK 2 of CLICHE )Where stories live. Discover now