Chapter 3: Sue WATSDED

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Sallly's PO..V

SUE tonite me fiernds and me are goinh to a club becuz we wont t o get waisted. Buut dunt worrie Felicity'ies mom is letttting usss.

I welk iinto Felikity's house and c that Bettty and Alyssa r their. I Roll's eyes because I hatte Aylssa. she tryied ti steel my bfriend from me last yur. "hey so whoss reddy to get wasteed?1!" Bitty yells and hold up a beer."yass I sue am!" screams and grabs a beer.

Soooooo weh all drak lik 11teen of tem...... but yeah now Alycca is making oout with betty and im all alooone. Then two hot werewovless walk downstairsss. then I relize that theyyy ar Felicitys brothers. "heyyyyy" slurs at them and kisses onne. Then I make out with both off themmm. Suddenly mrs.killinnn walk threw te door. "wtffff is goin on her?!11'"

'we is drinkiin" Bettie says and drink s moar. Mrs.killin grabs all the beer and then drags meh two here xcar. "wet where u tinking Salie?!" "idk I wenna hev fun! leave my alune!" screams and flies off into the night cuzz I is a fairy and a mremade.

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