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"Jiwoo, what promise is your ex talking about?"

Jiwoo's throat was dry. She didn't like the situation she was in. She didn't want to lie to her, but she knew if she told the truth, things won't be the same afterwards.

"Jiwoo..." Sooyoung pleaded.

The shorter took a deep breath before starting to talk.



May 30th, 2019

"Come on, Heejin! We'll be late for college, again!"

"I'm almost ready!"

The two girlfriends arrived at their college. They wanted to part ways, since they were in different years. But Heejin stopped the older.

"Kim Jiwoo. I just wanted to ask you something." The younger said as she held onto Jiwoo's wrist tightly.

"You can ask me anything, darling." Jiwoo said with a cute smile.

"After I come back from the States, will we be the same as we are now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, can you promise that we'll be together? Just like how we are now." The younger kept her bear grip onto Jiwoo's wrist.

"Of course. I promise that we'll find each other again!" Jiwoo said with an adorable little laugh at the end.

"Okay. But if you break the promise, I won't be happy about it. I can't assure you that I will be sane." Heejin said in a sharp, yet scary voice.

"What?... Heejin-ah, you're scaring me!" Jiwoo said, feeling uneasy.

Jiwoo broke the grip, making the younger blink a few times.

"I got to go..." Jiwoo said as she quickly made her way towards her classroom.

"Odd..." She whispered to herself.

End of the flashback...


Sooyoung was speechless. She would have never believed that Jiwoo had such a weird ex.

"And what are you planning to do?" Sooyoung asked after a few minutes of pure silence.

"I don't know... But I'm scared." Jiwoo said as she stared at the ground.

"She did some... Questionable things back when we were together. I know she is capable of doing reckless things." The younger continued.

"Do you think that she will come back?" Sooyoung asked after analyzing the situation.

"Yeah. I am sure of that."

"Let's run away." Sooyoung boldly said.

"What?" Jiwoo asked, surprised by the older's words.

"Let's run away. Let's move somewhere. In a place she'll never find you."

"But why? Why are you willing to do this?" Jiwoo asked confused.

"Because, Kim Jiwoo, I love you. And I'll do anything for you."

The shorter closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and smiled widely.

"Let's do this!"


One month after...

"Where did they go?.." Yeojin asked, desperate by her two friends' disappearance.

"I don't know. I miss them..." Yerim said as she hugged her heart shaped pillow.

"Me too, Yerim-ah. Me too..."


In the end, the girls remained missing.

Heejin did come back to Korea to look after her ex, but she couldn't find the latter.

The two girlfriends hid well. Nobody knew where they were. Not even their families.

The End


So, uhm. Here's the last chapter.
You were so sweet!!!!!! 💕💕
I love ya'all so much!! <3

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