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The next day, Sooyoung decided to go back to the manga shop. She couldn't get that girl off her mind since yesterday.

She craved to know more about her. She wanted to know her.

As she entered the shop, she helplessly searched each isle for the girl, but for no good. The girl wasn't there.

"Sooyoung, are you really okay? You don't seem to be yourself anymore." Vivi pointed out as she carried two boxes.

"Mhm, yeah." She got as a response from the uninterested girl.

Vivi sighed. She didn't like the way Sooyoung was acting. She used to be so nice to her... And now? She doesn't even listen to her.

"I know what will cheer you up!" Vivi got an idea and left in a hurry.

As Sooyoung was left all alone, the front doors have opened, revealing the same girl from yesterday.

Sooyoung froze. She didn't know what to do or what to say. So she just turned around and picked a manga.

The mysterious girl came closer to Sooyoung and picked the same manga as her.

As she looked at Sooyoung, she could see her staring at her. Which she didn't quite understand why.

As she was staring at Sooyoung's face, the sudden realization hit her.

"Oh! You're that girl from yesterday! The one that gave me the last manga!" The girl said with a small smile on her face.

"Oh, you remember me." Sooyoung shyly said.

"Of course I do! Hi, I'm Kim Jiwoo. Nice to meet you!" She said as she reached for a handshake.

"Hi, I'm Ha Sooyoung. Nice to meet you too!" Sooyoung responded as she accepted the handshake, being all flustered.

The girls kept on talking about the mangas they last read and the ones they want to read.


Eventually, Vivi came back with a chocolate milk in her left hand. She saw the two talking to one another and she didn't like that.

She thought that maybe they were relatives, so she didn't jump to conclusions. She went straight to the two.

"Here's the thing I promised I'd give you." Vivi handed the chocolate milk to Sooyoung, who looked clearly confused.

"What? Oh, uh thanks." Sooyoung responded.

Vivi looked up and down to Jiwoo. She crossed her arms and rose and eyebrow.

"Who's she?" Vivi asked as she was looking at the younger girl.

"Oh, I'm Kim Jiwoo. Nice to meet you!" Jiwoo said as she reached to shake Vivi's hand.

"We just met. She's really nice." Sooyoung complimented Jiwoo.

"Mhm... Yeah, nice to meet you too." Vivi said as she ignored Jiwoo's hand.

The younger slowly pulled back her hand and looked down in embarrassment.

Sooyoung didn't like the scene that was happening in front of her.

"Jiwoo, let's go and look for that manga that you've been meaning to buy. I want to read it too." Sooyoung said as she pointed to another isle.

"Alright." She responded with a little smile on her face.

"See you later, Vivi." Sooyoung said as she left with the younger.

"Pfft. Whatever." Vivi said under her breath.

She didn't like seeing her crush so close to another girl. It made her uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable.


Soooo... Here's part two. I really like how this fanfic is going.
I hope that you guys will like this too!!
Anyways, I love ya'all!! 💖💜

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