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After three months of dating, Sooyoung moved in with Jiwoo. They even adopted three hamsters, since Jiwoo really loves hamsters.

Everything went smoothly and they didn't have a single serious argument. They would only fight when it came to eating the last strawberry ice cream.

As time passed, Sooyoung started to forget everything that had happened between her and Vivi.

And Vivi wasn't far either. She met this really sweet, caring and gentle woman. Her name is Haseul. They weren't officially dating, but honestly, they weren't far either.


"Darling, did you feed the hamsters?" Jiwoo's voice could be heard from inside the bathroom.

"No, I haven't yet!" Sooyoung replied as she made her way to the hamsters who were running around in their cage.

After Sooyoung gave the three hamsters their delicious meal, a half naked Jiwoo came out of the bathroom. Her hair was still wet, since she just left the shower.

"You shouldn't forget such important things, Sooyoung-ah! Imagine when we'll have our three kids, you can't forget to feed them!" Jiwoo lessoned her.

"Oh, come on Jiwoo! You know that I'll be an awesome mom!" Sooyoung said as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah, I know." Jiwoo softened at the older and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Be ready in 20 minutes. Yeojin and Yerim are waiting for us outside." Jiwoo said as she made her way to the closet.

Sooyoung went to the bathroom to do her make up, since she was almost ready. She kept it simple, with a little bit of gloss, blush and eyeliner.

After a few minutes, the two girls were all dressed up, ready to go to their friends.

As Jiwoo closed the door, a loud sigh was heard from the front yard.

"Yah! Took you long enough!" Yerim shouted as she crossed her arms.

"Oh please! Last time we waited one hour for you two. So don't complain!" Sooyoung said as she rolled her eyes.

"Okay, let's hurry up. The park is about to open." Jiwoo said as she put the keys into her light pink bag.

The four girls planned to have an amazing night at this amusement park that has just opened in their area.

Jiwoo was really excited about it and Sooyoung was also looking forward to this night as well.


After arriving at the place where the park was built, the four girls' jaws dropped. It was the biggest park any of them has ever seen. It was awesome.

"Oh. My. God. Look how colorful everything is!" Yeojin pointed out.

"Look at those rides! Who wants to go on the rollercoaster?" Sooyoung asked the three girls.

"Me!" The three shorter girls said in unison.

The four ladies had the best time going on different rides and trying delicious foods.

As the night came to an end, Yerim went to the bathroom. Which shouldn't make anyone worry, but she stayed there for 20 minutes.

Yeojin was panicking, since she believed that her girlfriend might have been in danger.

Is Yerim trully okay? Will she be okay? What is going on?


Ahhh!!! Sorry for such a late update!!! I know I've been so busy this past week. But I promise that I'll try to post two more chapters today. (Unless something comes up.)
Anyways, I love ya'all!!💖💖

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