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Bakugo POV:

Let me introduce myself. I'm Bakugo Katsuki. I'm 26, male. I'm a very successful therapist. Let's just say I work with the worst in business.

I ain't no normal therapist. Nah I found that way way way to boring. I work with really really sick people, I'm talking mass murders, psychos and more.

I work with the ones no other therapist who dare even look at. That's my kinda of people. I like people helping them. Cause if it's not me trying to them, no one would ever bother trying.

I've help 16 people, turn a new leave, and man did it feel good. And I'm only 26, not brag but I should pat myself on back. For all my hard work.

I finally make myself to the prison. Where I'm meet with three policemen. We greet, and they start leading my to my patient.

Getting to him was, really one hell of a job. Of course it was. Cause he was one of the most fear man alive.

People would literally turn cold just by hearing his name. He cell was located in the middle of prison, five level underground.

We always meet on the fourth floor. He had the whole fifth floor to himself. He has the life sentence. I heard that he actually got the death penalty, 6 times, but cause of this status in the underground world or some shit like that. It's all swept under the rug.

Even the law fears him. I sit down and await him. Hearing a clucking in the distance. His coming. The door swings open, revealing a heavily chain man. His wearing a muzzle, so all you can only see it his glowing died eyes.

Let me introduce you to Midoriya Izuku.
Street name: Shadøw (I was going to make it Lorks, but I-i... 🤧)
Parents: Only the mother was known Inko Midoriya (idk her name 😵) But died, I guess around about when he was 17.
As for the father... unknown.

But damn his one tall man and well built. I'm 6,3 so he should be around 6,8 or 6,9 or even 7.

He sits down, and we are felt alone. But for safety reasons the outside of the room is heavily guarded. The room also had a huge glass window, where the guards would look in.

Just in case something went wrong. While I ain't his first therapist this year. He killed 6 therapist in the span of a month in prison. I'm not going to lie, but this man really does send chills through my body everytime he looks at me.

"Shall we start?" I smile warm. Standing up walking towards him.


Okay but would you rather:

1) be able to fly
2) run really fast

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