"You haven't told me who is which one," you said and Hawks looked as though he had just remembered it.

"Oh right!" He adjusted on his seat and pointed at the boy with black hair and wings. "This one is Keishi, he's the firstborn, and although he looks like you–"

"He doesn't," you said, cutting him off. "In fact both of them look like a carbon copy of you."

It was true, both the twins look exactly like Hawks at one glance and he doesn't need a DNA test to tell they're his kids.

"Well yes, but he got his hair and wing color from you." You didn't bother telling him you have the most common hair color as Hawks continued. "Keishi is more like me when it comes to his personality, he's way too playful and easygoing. His twin on the other hand..." Hawks pointed at the other kid, with blonde hair and red wings very much like Hawks'. "His name is Keita, he may look like me but he's more like you."

"Like me?" you asked, tearing your eyes from the screen to look at Hawks to see him already looking at you.

"Yes, he's more quiet and reserved and aloof sometimes." You didn't ask how he knew that side of you, instead you looked back at the photo as did Hawks. "Most of their photos are stored in my computer, you can look at them when we get home–"

He was cut off this time when the screen was replaced by a call and you saw the caller ID that states a name. A woman's name which for some reason didn't quite sit well with you.

"That'll be the twins' sitter," Hawks said.

"You're leaving them with a stranger?" you suddenly asked, even you were surprised by your own outburst.

"What?" Hawks asked back, looking confused for a second. "Oh no, no she's not a stranger. I've known her for–"

"So you've known her for so long that you're leaving them with her."

"She's a very capable sitter, she even has a certificate for it."

While Hawks was torn between answering the call and explaining to you how he knew the woman, who the woman is and everything that would clear what could be a misunderstanding, the call was suddenly hung up. But not a few seconds later before Hawks could open his mouth to speak, the sitter was calling again.

This time, sensing the urgency, Hawks slid the answer button.


You watched as Hawks' expression started to change. And you knew what he was hearing at the other end of the line was not good news as fear started to crept on his face until he let out a heavy and shaky breath.

"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes," he said quickly, even though he looked nervous and scared, he didn't stumble with his words. You guess that's from years of experience as a Pro Hero. And yet, whatever it was the sitter said, Hawks couldn't possibly hide the fear in his expression.

"What is it?" you asked when Hawks suddenly stood up.

"Keita," he said, and you remember which is Keita between the twins, the one who looks exactly like Hawks but apparently is more like you than him. "He had a bad asthma attack, he's in the hospital in Tokyo. I need to get to this building's rooftop and–"

"I'm coming with you," you suddenly blurted out even before you could stop yourself. And Hawks literally stopped to look at you. "You were the one claiming that I'm their mom. And as their mom, shouldn't I be there for him too? Or have you already forgotten all the stuff you did to make me believe you?"

"Right," Hawks said, looking dumbstruck for a second but quickly composed himself and he started to walk out of your apartment with you following close behind, not that he's not already holding your wrist so you had no choice but to follow him. "That's a great idea. And while we're there we could take the DNA test."

"The what?" you asked, following him up the stairs to the rooftop of the apartment complex.

"You asked for proof, right?" Hawks opened the door to the rooftop and you were greeted by the cold night breeze as you rubbed your arms when Hawks let go of your wrist and he turned to you. "I knew you wouldn't just believe me when I kept telling you that you're my wife, that you're their mom. So let's have science prove it for you. And after that..."

Hawks trailed off, taking a step closer to you, his hand suddenly snaking around your waist. "When the test comes out positive, promise me you'll stay with us. And then we'll work things out to answer the other two questions you asked earlier."

He pulled you close, spreading his fiery red wings before lifting you up and you instinctively held his shoulders as he took off from the ground.

You were suddenly reminded of the two questions you asked earlier, why did you have to alter your memories of him and why didn't he look for you for the last five years? You get the feeling that it wouldn't be that easy to answer those two seemingly simple questions.

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