Harry: "I know this is supposed to be my day off, but those three aren't exactly reliable...or good, for that matter, at their jobs."

Harry then looked to his Tarchia, Tremor, in his card and made up his mind.

Harry: "I suppose some surveillance won't kill anyone."

Harry then secretly stole a small, torpedo-like submarine and left the island before speeding through the water to his destination, London.

French Narrator: A few hours later.
The Alpha Gang were currently sneaking around the dark underground rooms of the Natural History Museum, all with flashlights except for Ed who was struggling to carry the mountain of items Ursula purchased.

Ursula: "This is absurd! Here we are in London all because of some bone-headed bone game Dr Z likes to play. Ridiculous! And to be honest I'm surprised that the two of you are buying into it."

Ed: "But Ursula all you've been doing the whole time is shopping anyway and we're supposed to be here looking for dinosaurs."

Ursula bonks Ed on the head.

Ursula: *Sarcastic* "Oh then it's my mistake I thought we were here looking for designer stores."

Zander: "Well that's understandable, it could happen to anyone."

Just then Zander bumped into a particularly spooky skeleton of a dinosaur which scared the hell out of him, causing him to fall back on the others and making Ursula's items fall everywhere, leaving Ursula very angry.

Unbeknownst to them, a small distance behind them was Harry who was supervising them to make sure they weren't messing about. Although when he saw all three fall down he did slap his face.

Ursula: "What is wrong with you?! Have you forgotten who we are? The Alpha Gang strikes fear in others! We're not afraid of a bunch of bones!"

Ed: "Yeah Zander this is a museum you know, what did you think was going to happen in here?"

Zander: "Well excuse me for not liking skeletons!"

Ursula: "I'll be adding your skeleton to the collection unless you help us with my purchases!"

Just then, an alarm sounded throughout the whole room as the lights turned on and ceased the crew's bickering. Naturally, they saw this as an ample opportunity to leave.

Ursula: "Let's get out of here!"

All three were running for the exit until Ursula suddenly stopped Ed in his tracks.

Ursula: "You don't seriously think I'm leaving here without all my purchases do you? Now go and get them!"

Ed: "Whaaa?!"

From out of nowhere a group of police stormed into the room attempting to apprehend the Alpha Gang as they quickly surrounded them.

Ursula: "Zander your hands are free get rid of them!"

Ed: "What she said!"

Zander: "I think my brain is going to explode I can't handle all this stress in one place!"

A huge entanglement of police and the Alpha Gang soon occurred with Zander being tackled to the ground like in a rugby match while Ed was running around like a headless chicken. Ursula meanwhile was hiding behind one of the skeletons. Harry just watched the scene in mild amusement.

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