Part #4

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1.) Wes Studi is allergic to Caffeine and Roses, he found this out the hard way.

        From a 2017 interview:
   "I was in a café, in Santa Fe. This was during the time I was playing Sammy Casals in Heat, so the year was 1995 I believe. I had never had a cup of coffee before, so Michael [Mann] had taken me to a café and insisted I try some. I get my cup of coffee, and my arms suddenly start feeling itchy and breaking out in hives. Then someone brought to me a bouquet of Roses, and I passed out. Michael called an ambulance, and rode with me on my embarrassing trip to the Hospital. Michael later told me that I kept muttering "Stop.. You're going to spill my coffee" during the ambulance ride. The doctors there determined that it must've been the Coffee and Roses that caused the whole fiasco".

2.) Wes Studi was born in 1899.

3.) Wes Studi is a Werewolf.
Here is the proof:

-A biologist has confirmed that Wes Studi shares 10% of his DNA with Werewolf ancestry

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-A biologist has confirmed that Wes Studi shares 10% of his DNA with Werewolf ancestry.

4.) Wes Studi was nicknamed "Wes Study" by his teachers.

5.) Throughout elementary school, Wes Studi was sometimes kicked out of classrooms for "farting too much, without apologizing".

6.) Wes Studi wrote the initial script for Hostiles, intending for it to be a comedy film.

7.) Wes Studi hates chihuahuas, and has called them a "nuisance" in a few Facebook rants.

8.) Wes Studi's favourite movie role he has done, is the role of Nemo, in the movie Finding Nemo.

9.) While filming for his appearance in Hell On Wheels, Wes Studi was stung by Wasps 87 times.

10.) Had Wes Studi been in the 2019 movie Cats, it wouldn't have been a total disaster.

11.) Wes Studi believes that the moon is "made of cheese".

12.) Wes Studi was "banned" from driving in 2014, because of an incident in which he drove blindfolded - as a dare.

13.) Wes Studi can whistle underwater.

14.) Wes Studi can cook pancakes while asleep. Unfortunately, the pancakes aren't good. According to Maura Studi, "The first time this happened, I'll never forget it. I woke up and smelled what smelled like a dying animal. And I thought 'What the hell is that?!!', and I then noticed that Wes wasn't in the bed with me anymore. So, I followed the scent all the way to the kitchen and saw that Wes was cooking. IN HIS SLEEP!! He was just standing there, snoring, in his UNDERWEAR, while holding a pan that had a mini fire going on inside it, slightly above the stove. I panicked, grabbed the pan, threw it in the stink, and turned on the water. I shook him by his shoulders, and he kept muttering 'Syrup...all over my...Nipples". He later told me that he was dreaming about cooking pancakes in his sleep, and didn't even know he was sleepwalking. I learned two new things that night: Wes can cook in his sleep, AND has a fetish for Syrup".

15.) Wes Studi loves to make French people angry for fun. This has resulted in NUMEROUS incidents, including an incident where Wes called a French man a "Baguette faced Croissant BITCH!!".

16.) Wes Studi and director Michael Mann were once "friends with benefits".

17.) Wes Studi has a foot fetish, this is why he asked Daniel Day Lewis for an autograph with his left foot.

18.) Wes Studi's favourite vacation spot is near a volcano.

19.) The source of the roaring in The Lion King isn't actually from Tigers, it's actually from Wes Studi.

20.) Wes Studi has said about the movie Mystery Men, "It's like The Avengers, but on meth".

21.) Wes Studi has an "unlimited" number of cousins.

22.) Wes Studi was in a Domino's pizza commercial in 1995.
"Pizza tasted like cardboard"
-Wes Studi, on his Domino's pizza commercial appearance.

23.) Wes Studi eats crickets when he's bored.

These are all fake and just for laughs, no disrespect to Wes Studi intended :).

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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