Part #1

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1.) Wes Studi was born in a Horse Barn.

2.) Wes Studi is lactose intolerant and has to take "special medicine" before consuming anything dairy related.

3.) Wes Studi believes in the existence of Unicorns.

4.) Wes Studi was once a member of The Blue Man Group from 1995-2004.

5.) Wes Studi has a total of 28 Tomahawks in his basement.

6.) Wes Studi's favourite breakfast is raw lemons.

7.) In 2009, Wes Studi was badly injured when attempting to climb the "monkey bars" on a playground. Wes broke his left femur and right ankle, resulting in him having to be in casts for 8 weeks.

8.) According to Wes Studi, his inspiration for pursuing the role of Eytukan in Avatar, was because, "I saw that the Alien creatures were blue. It reminded me of that Eiffel 65 song, and The Smurfs. When I was very young, I had this dream of becoming a Smurf. So, I figured that obtaining this role would be the closest I could get to 'becoming' a Smurf".

9.) Wes Studi is a licensed Hamster psychologist, he is ALSO a licensed Horse therapist.

10.) Wes Studi's favourite colours are pink and yellow.

11.) According to Wes Studi, his main nickname in middle school was "Pinocchio".

12.) In a 1994 interview, Wes Studi revealed that his "biggest fear" was "A Rabbi in a pink bikini, wearing sunglasses and eating pancakes while spontaneously combusting".

13.) After filming The Last Of The Mohicans, as Wes says, "Magua stayed with me for a long time". Wes Studi would live like Magua in the wooded areas of Michigan for an extensive period of time. Specifically, until January of 1993. During this time, Wes referred to himself as Magua, carried a Tomahawk and carving knife with him at all times, and would threaten to "rip out" the hearts of joggers/hunters/fishers who came into contact with him. Maura Studi said of the time period, "I would come to him, and tell him 'Ok Wes, this is getting old, you need to come home. I made your favourite for dinner!' And he would say 'Magua wants to stay here, just a little longer'. Once, I replied with 'Ok Magua, but I didn't marry Magua, I married Wes'. He just looked at me and began eating a raw fish."

14.) Wes Studi has difficulty spelling the words "Mississippi", "Taco", "Pickup Truck", and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".

15.) Wes Studi has been kicked out of 8 clothing stores, for "attempting to have sex with the display mannequins".

16.) Wes Studi's reason for enlisting in the army when he was 17, was "the result of a dare."

17.) While filming for the movie Heat, Wes Studi -allegedly- "smelled like Tacos the whole time."

18.) From a 2000 interview
"I once got high, by accident. Well, more by mistake. I had went to this celebration party, for the release of Mystery Men. It was fun, I was having a good time, I started to feel hungry and went to the catering table. I saw brownies and thought 'Oh, haven't had one of those in a while'. So I popped a few in my mouth, they tasted alright y'know, nothing too bitter or too sweet. I'm dancing with someone, and all of a sudden I start to feel really crazy. Ben [Stiller] looked at me, he saw I was pretty dazed and confused, he says to me 'Wes, are you alright?'. His voice was almost slowed down, I was feeling really mellow but also tired. I don't remember what I said in response, only him saying 'Wes, you need to lay down'. I passed out right then and there, and I woke up tucked in a bed with a glass of water on the nightstand. There was a letter next to it, which said, 'Wes, I'm terribly sorry. I forgot to inform you that the brownies were POT brownies, not regular brownies. Rest well, -Michael Mann'. Now, I'm EXTRA cautious when eating brownies [laughs]".

19.) Until he was a teenager, Wes Studi thought Alaska was "fake".

20.) Wes Studi was in the movie Shrek, but he keeps this a secret.

21.) Wes Studi has been involved in more than 50 instances of spray painting a GIANT penis on the home of Oklahoma's governor.

22.) Wes Studi's favourite curse word is the F-Word. "I like the F-Word, it's one of the best words we've got." - Wes Studi.

23.) Wes Studi had an unsuccessful rap career in the mid 90's.

These are all fake and just for laughs, no disrespect to Wes Studi intended :).

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