"AHHHHH!!!" Another shout cut threw the flames, causing both male dragons to perk their heads up at the sound.

Their heads slowly face each other. The pitch was much higher than Dara or any other female Wolfwing in the Princess's pack. However, it was not dragon-sounding either.

It had to be Snow.

Grove struggled to stand but succeed as he made his way to the black hybrid first. "Come on, get up." He spoke as Zagi lay there, trying to catch his breath. "Where is the Bringer of Fate? It surely can't be the raisin beside me."

That got a reaction out of the sky/rain hybrid as he stood up with glowing yellow eyes. The golden veins appeared to glow differently this time than before. It got him curious about how this would occur but decided not to wonder about this now.

The males slowly went deeper into the flames to the center of the camp. It was even hotter here, and it was just a struggle to move one talon forward.

When they managed to get close enough to the center the fire appeared to be broken into parts. It was like rings of fire acting as a barrier. Grove saw Dara standing close to the firepit with horror in her eyes. It did not take the Mudwing long until he realized why.

"Why is this one area left alone?" Zagi wondered out loud.

"I have no idea, but it appears that Snow is in the center of it," Grove replied as he started slowly walking toward Dara. It was difficult as his body had not yet recovered, but it was not impossible. "What the heck happened?" Grove called out to Dara, who was frozen in fear. The Mudwing noticed that the Princess had yet to look away from the flames. At this rate, she will go blind.

"Dara snapped out of it!" He called out again, physically grabbing her, and pulling her in front of him. Grove opened his wings to block as much of the light as possible.

The German shepherd and husky mix started to breathe faster as her senses came back to Dara. It was stupid moved to leave the Princess. However, Queen Asher would not punish him too severely for the error.

Grove hoped at least.

"I think we have a serious problem." Zagi pointed out and trying to pull Grove's attention.

"I know," Grove hissed as he slowly moved Dara to a lying down position. "Rest here." He whispered to the Wolfwing he considered a sister.

The Mudwing turned his attention to the firepit that had completely covered Snow in an inferno blaze. There was no escaping from it as Snow screamed in pain.

"Zag? Can you do the rain thing?" The brown dragon asked.

"I tried before, and it did not work. This is not normal fire." Zagi replied, surprised quickly. "And it Zagi, not Zag."

"There has to be something we can do. I can't just leave her here but ..." Grove could not finish the sentence and knew every second wasted could result in more deaths.

"You shouldn't have to choose between your pack and a stranger. I studying your culture well enough to know that Wolfwings help those in need." Zagi said as he stared at the orange and red lights. "So, stop feeling that there is a wrong choice."

For an odd reason that comforted Grove more than Zagi realized, but it was a short live moment.

"HAHAHAHA" Laughing came from the right as a shadowy figure stood in the flames. It was smiling, looking satisfied with the fire and the chaos it created. "I doubt any Queen would show mercy to a Guard that hesitates to save her daughter." The figure voiced as it walked towards them.

A purple dragon walked out of the flames with no visible markings. Her wings and tail were oddly shaped. The wings were darkened in color with pale blue stripes. There was a sail on her back that went from dark purple to light blue on the tips. Even the tail barb had blue streaks.

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