Chapter 7

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Cole (Dalton)-
I pull away slowly. My heart is pounding. I have an overwhelming urge to protect her.
"You're mine. I will never leave you. I will never hurt you. Sorry about your dad by the way."
She laughs softly.
"Trust me, it's the last thing on my mind right now." She says as she places her head on my shoulder.
"Cole wants to go on the next date. I was thinking you guys could do as he suggested. Go to the lake." A bashful smile makes its way onto her face.
"I'd love that. Are you sure you're okay with me seeing him too? I mean I get you guys share a body and all, but you won't be jealous?"
A dark chuckle escapes me. Yeah. I will get jealous, but I'll just have to get over that.
"No. We better get inside. School is gonna start."
With a sigh, we both make our way out of the car and head inside. As we walk, she takes my hand in hers. I squeeze her hand tightly. This makes it official. She's my girlfriend.

As we walk in the building, she lets go.
"I'm going to talk to Liliana. I'll meet you in class okay?" I flick my head upwards, telling her to go.
I then make my way over to my locker to grab a couple books.

"Heyy mannn... why'd you leave the party so early?" That voice sends a wave of anger through me. Fucking Brendan. I don't turn to him. I just grab my books.
"Something came up. Family emergency." I dead pan. In my peripheral, I watch as he leans against the locker next to me.
"Yeah, I heard you were in the hospital. You okay buddy?" His tone is obviously not friendly. I've heard this tone over and over with bullies. He's got a problem with me.
I look over at him with a smile.

"Look, if you have a problem with me, just say it to my fucking face. You're not intimidating." He gives me a strained smile.
"I just find it funny how you left at the same time little Gracie did. Of course she told me she got sick and had her mom pick her up." I continue staring at him. "But I think you took her home. You knew there was a roofie in that drink. Did you really think you could fuck my bitch and get away with it?"
I bite my cheek to drown out my growing hatred of this man. His bitch? No one calls Grace a bitch. Not on my watch. I let out a loud laugh.

"You really think I fucked her while she was out? Please, I'm not that pathetic. I don't need to drug someone to get laid... unlike you." I say with superiority as I glance over him.
A couple of his friends hold back giggles at my comeback. He glares at each of them in turn, then turns his attention back to me.
"You better watch your back, freak. You don't want to make an enemy out of me."
A slight growl emanates from my throat, just loud enough for him to hear.
"I don't respond well to threats. I suggest you take your small dick energy elsewhere, before I rip it off."
Rage flares in his eyes, but the final bell rings before he can respond. We stare each other down as people file their way into different classrooms.
Eventually, he retreats.
"This isn't over guyliner. I'm coming after you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But one of these days soon, you'll be nothing but a tombstone."

I laugh at his newest threat. He begins to walk away and I decide to nail the last pin in his coffin.
"See you then, ya fuckin broken condom."
The effect is immediate. His friends instantly grab him, physically holding him back as he turns, ready to attack me. I give him a smirk as they drag him away.
"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU, ANDERSON! YOU JUST WAIT!" He yells before his friends finally manage to turn him around and get him walking.
When he's out of sight, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I notice my knuckles are white from clenching them. Was I just holding myself back? Or was I holding back Cane?

I shake out my hands before walking into class. I'm just barely late. Grace gives me a questioning look as I sit down next to her.
"What took you so long?" She whispers to me as the lecture begins.
"Stay away from Brendan. Don't talk to him, don't go anywhere alone with him, just act as if he doesn't exist. He knows I took you home the other night. He thinks I stole you from him." I let out a dry chuckle, as I shake my head in disbelief. "As if you were an object purely for his pleasure."
I add under my breath.

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