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It was currently 2:00 am and everyone was still sitting on the couch watching markiplier. But owen took the remote and paused the video.

"Guys... I have an idea." Owen suddenly spoke up.

everyone else looked at each other kind of disappointed, and sort of grunting. All of Owens ideas are usually just random pieces of shit they never end up doing.

"What." the rest of them mumbled. 

"Since it's like about to be 3 am and we kinda wanna be famous, do you guys wanna film a 3:00 am video? just for fun?" He kind of honestly looked excited saying that. Like he didn't wanna do it JUST for the fame.

Everyone but Emmie was kind of cool with the idea. They could get plenty of people to click on their videos.

But she was shaking in her boots. "G-guys I'm not sure. What if we find the Mucinex booger?" She said, voice shaky.

Zoey was secretly VERY attracted to the Mucinex booger. He was just so alluring to them. The attitude, the fact that he was a virus so he basically stuck with you, and they're kind of into the fact that hes slimy. They could they used to that.

"I mean, personally I wouldn't mind much" They murmured, trying not to be obvious about their attraction. "I-I just don't think hes very scary. That's all!"

Scarlett was a bit confused by the correction. literally no one cared. "Ok?" They said, trying to change the topic.

Since emmie was the odd one out (GET THE JOKE BETHANY!?!?), they just decided to record it. The majority of them was currently setting up the things to record because they've had these things for months but never really had a good idea.

But as the setting up was happening, emmie was the most paranoid she had ever been. ever. just because of a stupid booger.

While on the other hand, zoey was getting ready to see the booger if he ever did appear. It might sound stupid, but she just wants to impress their crush.

"Alright guys, I think the cameras are set up fine." Bethany announced, looking at the camera ahead.


As the just glanced to see what it was pointing at, they saw something run across the camera.  

"Guys I think um... I might've saw johnny run across the camera."

Ava looked absolutely furious. 


Bethany shrugged, staring back at the camera yet again. "But isn't that the point? aren't we supposed to see ghosts when we're doing 3:00 am videos?"

Ava looked discombobulated, flabbergasted even. Maybe surprised, astonished, taken aback, gobsmacked, perplexed, baffled, stunned, astounded, bewildered, overwhelmed, unsettled, dazzled, dumbfounded, speechless, staggered, dazed, shocked, startled, shell shocked, thunderstruck, unusual, stupefied, werewolf hanked, mouth agape, shaken up, at a loss for words, jolted, and breath taken, startled.

Part of ava never believed in ghosts, and bethany has been seeing things after the johnny incident, but she's starting to believe he might be there. a little part of her is at least. But she just decided to ignore it.

"You're probably just saying this because you've already started recording, right?" She questioned.

Bethany was about to reply, when they heard a faint 'hey Babygirl, it's me, daddy.' She jumped and ran over to ava.

"DID YOU HEAR THAT?" They yelled.

"A little I guess?" Ava replied.

But no, they weren't recording. Their lights were still on, they didn't have the correct camera and microphone settings and shit like that. So no. They weren't even close to recording yet.

Still scared as ever, a part of bethany told themself it was johnny. He would never hurt them! Right? No, he wouldn't.

All of them just assumed he might be a 'friendly' ghost, so they just went back to setting everything up.

Emmie eventually walked out of her room feeling as confident about the situation as she ever has. It wasn't like the only thing keeping her up all night was posting a 3:00 am video for some 7 year olds then finding a booger from a commercial. Well, that was one of the things that kept her up at night.

And Zoey was feeling the opposite of confident. do you ever really feel confident when you're trying to get ready to see your crush? Zoey was just staring at the mirror. kind of giving off 'am I really good enough for the booger?' and that's something they shouldn't need to ask. at all. ever. I think if anyone just gave up on real relationships, they wouldn't even go for the booger. so it wasn't like anyone was stopping them.

But they finally got over it, because they knew they'd have to do it eventually because somebody could catch on to their attraction.

Then, Zoey exited their room just to see Bethany having a panic attack, scarlett watching edits of hot people to pass time, Owen still setting up things, and ava was probably in the bathroom.

Zoey seeing bethany kind of just freaked them out more than they were in their bedroom. I mean, what could have bethany seen to make them act like this? So they immediately ran up to bethany.

"BBG!! ARE YOU OK?" They urgently asked, giving bethany mouth to mouth cpr.

Bethany pushed Zoey's face away from theirs and replied with, "I'm more than ok." shortly after they said this, there was cum all over the floor. Bethany's cum. "Oh, sorry about that. I just saw Johnny a-and I couldn't control myself anymore."

Owen walked back into the middle of the living room to check of everyone. And when his eyes met whatever everyone was looking at, he was traumatized.

"Oh my god bethany. That stuff is for a WHOOOLE other website. You need to clean that up before we start recording." He exclaimed, pointing at the cameras that were all set up and ready to record.

"Or is that milk?" He asked.

Scarlett joined in on the conversation. "Oh yeah! I was gonna cook for us but I saw the milk in the fridge and I was like 'I'm allergic to that stuff!' so I went and poured it all over bethany just cause I wanted to."

"Mhm, I saw that happen." Zoey assured owen.

And that's when ava walked into the living room...


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