2.2. E

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As everyone was swimming in the lazy river, they noticed Bethany swimming in an innertube with a fairly famous man. He wasn't famous for great reasons, but Bethany couldn't care less. He had a long dick, what else would Bethany want?

Every once in a while, more like every minute, Bethany and Johnny got slightly closer. It kind of made everyone slightly pissed off because 1: Owen doesn't know ANYTHING, 2: They were there for Emmie's birthday.

Since all they talked about was sex, everyone but Owen knew why Bethany wanted to get closer. And they tried to find a way to subtly stop it.

After the last rotation, there was a slight waterfall that could totally ruin the moment. So, they decided to get behind their innertube without them noticing.

Of course, they didn't notice. They were caught up in their own little moment. So that made the job very easy for them. When they got closer to the tiny waterfall, everyone slightly pushed them towards it.

When the water hit the innertube, Bethany fell out of it and landed on Emmie. "OH MY GOD BETHANY YOU JUST GOT MY HAIR WET!" Ava yelled, splashing Bethany.

Emmie quickly turned her head to look at Ava. "Bro, are you kidding? They literally just flopped on my head." She said swimming away.

Bethany gave them all a 'menacing' glare, apologizing to Johnny and swimming to everyone else.

They all ended up leaving shortly after that. Not because they wanted to, Bethany was just very embarrassed.

Everyone got wrapped in their towels and made their way over to the changing rooms just to get as far away from Johnny as possible.

If I'm being 100% honest, Bethany just wanted to get closer so they could hook up in the hotel room tonight. Totally not happening with Owen around.

Zoey did mention that Nerris was on their way a couple hours ago, so Emmie decided to ask when they were going to show up.

"Hey Zoey, when is Nerris gonna show u-"


Everyone took a second to look at each other and then back to Nerris. "What?" They all questioned.

Actually, they had way more than one question in mind. 1: They've only been there for about 2 hours 2: the flight takes a WHILE 3: They need their own money to get here.

Scarlett finally decided to break the silence and move closer to Nerris. "Im sorry, what?"


They finally accepted the fact that they were here now, and they were walking around arguing about which ride to go on next.

Ava wanted to go on a rollercoaster, but Scarlett didn't want their picture taken. Nerris wanted to go on the LAMEST ride ever and literally everyone said no.

They couldn't decide. They were just hanging out and arguing like they do while texting.

"Can't we just PLEASE go on tremors? It would fully dry our hair off," Ava said pointing over to the sign.

Scarlett turned towards her and stood like that one thinking emoji, '🤔' while pointing at Ava. (The family has some pointing problems.) "Yknow what, I guess we could."

Emmie was looking around at everyone with a confused face. Her exact thoughts were, 'it's my birthday and they pick the rides?' 'Why has no one talked to me in like 1 hour' and other things like that.

She eventually gave in and was waiting in the LONG line with everyone else.

"Should I record?" Emmie asked, pulling her phone out.

Ava snatched Emmies phone right out of her hand and placed it inside of her own pocket. "Emmie, to carry your phone you need to use both hands. What makes you think you won't drop it." She deadpanned, looking away.

Even though the line was pretty cramped, Emmie sat down and started throwing a tantrum like a toddler. "THERES NO WAY IM SURVIVING THAT LONG WITHOUT MY PHONE! LOOK AT THIS LONG LINE," She whined kicking her legs.

Scarlett looked over at Emmie with the most unimpressed look on their face ever. "Bro, I've survived my whole life without one and I'm 2 months older. Now stand up idiot." He said looking around to see if anyone was watching. Luckily, again, no one looked. Maybe heard but that didn't matter.

Around 30 minutes later, Scarlett was adjusting splash so he wouldn't get caught and everyone else was getting in their seats.

It was Avas third time on this ride and she was literally SHAKING. So much. But she finally sat down by Scarlett and sighed.

"Bro what's your problem you literally begged us to go on this ride." Scarlett whispered, looking ahead of him.

"Well- um- I kinda forgot how traumatizing it was before sitting down, but now that I'm here it's kinda scary."

Literally no one stood behind them in the line before, so it was only them.

The seats were each filled by two people and each duo was, Emmie and Bethany, Scarlett and Ava, Zoey and Nerris.

Nobody else was even close to how scared Ava was. Sure, they all felt some sort of anxiety, but they never went on the ride before. And for some reason Ava was willing to go on it for a third time.

So, it must be good. Right?

Scarlett looked behind them to see if anybody was reacting before the ride EVEN STARTED, but Emmie was just crossing her arms and shaking her head no. She probably wanted to leave the ride; I wouldn't blame her.

Nerris was just there staring into the void, Zoey was watching Nerris, and Bethany was just chilling in the back.

I guess it would be scarier being in the front row, you deal with it all first. Scarlett really didn't care as much as he thought he would.

And that's when the ride started. Like most roller-coaster, it started off nice and slow just going up a ramp Ava was literally teary eyed.


Eventually, the ride ended.

As they walked down and back to the original walking spot to the other rides, everyone was laughing at Ava.

Let's just say it was so funny that Scarlett was wheezing, and Bethany was bark-laughing. "THE WAY YOU SCREAMED" Nerris yelled but was slightly cut off by a loud laugh.

After Nerris said that Scarlett remembered something. "Guys... They have pictures in the gift shop mid-ride!" They exclaimed spinning in circles.

They all picked up an ice-cream cone and made their way over to the gift shop. When they walked in they all looked at they tv above the register.

Everyone waited about 10 seconds as a new slide of pictures showed up on the tv. As Ava was just standing there, absolutely gobsmacked, Emmie took her phone right out of Avas pocket and snapped a picture and saving it. For blackmail of course.


Since im working on other chapters i probably wont make a pt 3 but if i DO then it'll be alot shorter

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