A Lord's Responsibilities

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Y/N and Hermione headed to their special place. The emotional turmoil of the death of the small Peruvian Deathdrop and the lingering effects of the Cruciatus Curse were still weighing heavily on him. Hermione gave him a worried glance as they approached the door for the Room of Requirement.

"You ok baby?" Hermione asked tenderly. Y/N nodded in reply.

"I'm fine love, I'm alright."

They entered to find an outdoor area and a large field, bright blue skies above. Hermione smiled, Y/N looked puzzled.

"This is... unusual?" He said as he closed the door behind them.

"No I don't think it is. Open a portal to your dorm love" Hermione smiled.

Y/N smiled picking up on her meaning. He opened a portal and whistled- Na-Hath flew through with Newt on his shoulders as Gizmo ran through. Y/N smiled as his babies rushed to him, sitting on the outdoor setting chair and hugging them as tight as he could without hurting them.

"I'm going to find Crookshanks quickly, you open a portal to our garden. You need time with all our babies" Hermione smiled. She exited the room as Y/N opened another portal, this time to their garden at home- Hati and Buckbeak happily bounding through hearing their father's voice. He released the portal as they charged.

He was struck firmly, a hippogriff head rubbing against him on one side, a giant wolf licking him on the other. He squeezed both their large heads next to his.

"I missed you guys too. I missed you so damn much!"

A tear started to form in the corner of Y/N's eye, as he found himself fighting them back. Hati whimpered.

"No Daddy's ok. Just happy to see my big boys is all!" Y/N smiled, hugging them both tighter.

"Hey I've got an idea. Bucky, Na-Hath, we haven't flown together for a while have we?"


Hermione quickly arrived back to her dorm and picked up a happy meowing Crookshanks before heading back and out the common room. Lavender merely chuckling.

"Hi 'Mione, bye 'Mione!"

She shook her head and smiled. She knew what tunnel vision her best friend had when she was on a tear.

Hermione walked briskly, nearly knocking over someone she barrelled into.

"Oh I'm so sorry... OH PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL, Headmaster I am so sorry I-"

"It's quite alright Miss Granger" the Headmaster smiled as he helped Minerva steady herself. "You seem to be in quite a rush?"

"I want to get back to Y/N. He's at our..." She leant forward to whisper to the pair causing them both to chuckle "... special place... and I don't want to leave him alone after what happened in DADA."

She smiled and nodded and went to take off down the hall before her Head of House called out, stopping her.

"Miss Granger- What happened in DADA?"

Hermione looked at the pair.

"Oh... well um..."

"Perhaps we should walk and talk?" The Headmaster smiled as the three walked towards the seventh floor corridor.


"He WHAT?" Minerva shrieked in horror as they got close to the hidden door.

"He tortured one of my students. MY students?!? He has no place in a school Albus this is-"

"Unfortunate Professor McGonagall I agree. I will discuss it with Alastor, but I did instruct him to hide nothing from our students. We are all well aware of how... I'm trying to think of the right word to describe Y/N, Miss Granger" The Headmaster chuckled.

For You I Will #4- The Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now