Attack at the World Cup

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A/N: The song above reflects where Y/N is, coming into his own with his powers and destiny. Enjoy!

Y/N smiled as he gently kissed Hermione, the two sat on the edge of their bed.

"That was incredible baby" Y/N chuckled as he kissed "You really took your frustrations out on me"

Hermione giggled into Y/N's neck.

"Had to mark what was mine- oh no! Lav walked in!"

"Yeah. Can't do much about it love.. Do you want to head next door?" Y/N chuckled.

Hermione lit up brightly and replied:

"Not really"

"Come on. Lav wouldn't say anything. It's only gonna be worse the longer we wait"

Hermione sighed and nodded, pecking Y/N's lips as she stood. Y/N freshened them up with a couple of quick spells and they headed out of their tent.

Arthur and three eldest Weasleys were sat in front of the campfire, the couple greeting them. Only Arthur looked up, smiling awkwardly:

"Y/N, a quick word?"

Y/N nodded, Hermione looking slightly embarrassed as she whispered "I'll go inside" and quickly took off. Arthur walked Y/N a small distance from the fire.

"What's up Arthur?" Y/N asked.

Arthur smiled nervously at his godson.

"I'm only telling you this for your own good Y/N. You need to remember a silencing charm."

Y/N scrunched his face in realisation. He went to answer when an explosion in the distance drew both their attention.

"What the hell?" Arthur asked as his three sons stood. Another explosion followed by screams ripped through the campgrounds.

Y/N's eyes rolled back in his head momentarily before returning to their normal position.

"Death Eaters!"


Hermione entered the tent nervously, only to be instantly engulfed by Lavender.

"'Mione I'm so sorry. I didn't realise!"

"That's ok. You didn't tell anyone did you?"

"No, no of course not! I just said you were both resting" Lavender smiled.

Hermione gave her best friend a grateful smile in return as they heard the boys singing.

"Victor I love you! Victor I do! When we're apart my heart beats only for you!"

They laughed before Arthur rushed into the tent passed them.

"Stop! Stop it! All of you outside now!"


The group ran out the tent to chaos. Screams, people running, tents in the distance on fire. They heard more screams and saw from a distance people being levitated and thrown in the air.

Hermione ran up to Y/N who had placed the tip of his wand under his shirt to his chest.

"Benny! Clayton!"

Moments later the others were stunned to see two men appear in front of them.

"My Lord. Miss Haywood has been successfully extracted!" The larger man with the flat top said in a southern American accent.

"Benny you're on Hermione. Clayton on Maisie! This is what our training has been for!"

The two bowed as Hermione's eyes widened in realisation.

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