Episode 24|Not Right|

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Mia's Pov

I look myself in the mirror. My body is in the wedding dress. With my hands I press gently th lipstick to my lips. A red one. I am taking my moment to realise what is going to happen. I am going to get married to the man I love.

Suddenly Yoru walks into my room. "Oh you are ready" he whispers and looks a little weird. I nod a yes and I play with my dress. He gives a pressured smile.

"What is it?" I ask him but I dont get any response.

"Nothing you just look beautiful" he smiles again. He comes closer and fixes my hair, then touches my shoulder. "I hope he loves you" he leaves me shocked.

"Of course he loves me" I answer with confidence, while he is about to leave the room. "What's all this about?" he stops walking.

"I hoped you wouldn't ask this question" he breaths out and he turns around fast and kisses me. The weird this is that I kept kissing him. He placed her finger to the edge of my chin. The kiss is respectfully passionate.

A knock on the door makes us stop. I look at him and I take my hands off his body. My lipstick is all over his face and neck. We didn't get to get rid of it when Viper walks in. She gives us a judgemental look. She drops down the wedding rings.

"You are getting married to the man Iris loves the most" she says angry. "I thought you may loved him more. But it seems that you dont" she grabs the wedding rings from the ground. "Cancel the wedding or I will" she points me with her finger and slams the door as she leaves.

Chamber's Pov

I am wearing my tie and I am almost ready. I grab the bouquet and my fingers are playing with the flowers. "This is not fine" I whisper. The door knocks again. I am running fast to open it, hoping that it's going to be Iris. I paint a smile and open the door. It's not her.

"Sorry for interrupting you my friend" the Moroccan agent says.

"Cypher?" I am all surprised.

"Even if you wont marry her" he breaths out, "She loves you".

"But-" my voice is shaking but he stops me

"No buts" he opens the door and opens his arm pointing me to go find her.

And that's what I do. I run all over the hallway, and I knock her door. "Coming" I hear her voice from the inside. "Vincent" she says surprised when she opened the door.

I open my arms and hug her. I dont need anything else right now.

"Vincent.. we gave it a try. Maybe we just weren't right" she breaks the hug.

Iris's Pov

"That's a lie" he interrupts me "You cant say we were not meant to be" he adds.

"We are two worlds apart" I breath out.

"No.." he looks down.

"We almost knew what love was, when you chose her"

"We cant deny our feelings Iris" he approaches me. "You want me, like I want you" his voice is shaking.

My eyes harden and his are getting filled with tears. "Can I at least kiss you?" He kindly asks and I nod him.

His hands are gently touching both of my cheeks. The eye contact is making this moment last forever.

"Vincent you are-" I am trying to say but he interrupts.

"Marry me" he says and I am standing shocked.

"Mia loves you"

"Nobody loves me like you do" he whispers and fixes his tie.

Forever Undone | Chamber x Fem reader | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now