Episode 6|Blue dress|

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We entered the meeting room. Almost everyone was here. Sova was looking at me weird. I was the only new comer here. The agents were talking to each other until an old man with a grey beard came in, then we all stood up.

"Agents-" he cleared his voice.
"I guess most of us remember the last year's incident" he stopped again
"We lost a friend, an agent, a lover" and he looked Vincent.

"Let's keep going shall we?" The french agent asked angry

"Y-Yes of course. So we are going to the JUDAS hotel once again"

"There is no way" Chamber instantly answered and was about to leave the room

"Maybe she is alive" Viper interrupted

Vincent turned around and faced her. He was desperate for her. His eyes were holding back tears. "Alright" he took a deep breath.

"Meeting dismissed" Brimstone said looking angry

We got out and I kept following him "Dress her good for tonight" he said to a harsh looking woman (Reyna). 

"Follow me" she rolled her eyes and headed to a huge room filled with different clothes. She took a dress and handed it to me. "Try it"

I wore it and got out of the dressing room. The dress was stunning. It was a blue silk one with a v neck.

"It looks better on me, but it is still good"  she said trying not to look impressed

"Theres no way it looks better than me" I answered trying to make her angry. But instead she smiled and gave a little laugh.

"I am impressed that you talk back"

Iris's Pov  

"You can imagine that I am him" Vincent says

"You are not"

"Basically I am madam" he said and made me lean to the wall behind me.

"You are just his mirror self" I made an angry expression

"Just imagine it love" he placed his hand to my jaw and kissed me.

I know that he is not the same, but I miss him. They have the same figure. I stopped the kiss.

"I can't " I said and he pushed me back to the wall harder

"God damn you Iris" he wore his vest and started closing the buttons "Get ready" he added and pointed me the dressing room

Alpha Earth
The next day

I saw Mia getting out with Reyna. She was wearing Iris's blue dress. "You look good" I mouthed and she thanked me with a smile. Sova walked passed me "I will have the op tonight" he quickly said. I nodded him a yes.

Once again we took our earpieces. I handed one to Mia and explained how it works. "I want you to stay focused"

What can go wrong? The plan is simple. We go in and grab some information about Omega earth. We have to know if Iris is alive. Even though I saw her dying in my arms, I have hope.

We finally got in our destination. I opened the car door for Mia and she walked out with her high heels.

The place is exactly like I remember. The only thing that changed is the woman I walk in with. Mia was grabbing my wrist. She seems nervous.

"You've got this" I tried to make her relax.

"What if-" I grabbed her by her shoulders

"Everything will go fine"

"Chamber do you copy?" I hear Brimstone in my earpiece

"Yes sir" I touch my earpiece to fix it and look around

"Go" I mouth to Mia and she leaves me to get some information

We spent a little time talking to people, acting like we are from omega earth.

"Guys-" we hear Sova from the earpiece. But we dont get what he says. The sound isn't clear.  "Get-" he shouts but still cant hear anything.

Suddenly the main door opens fast and 30 to 40 gunned people are coming in.

"EVERYONE DOWN" one of them yells

"Throw your guns" they keep saying aiming us

We all do what they ask. I turn my head towards Mia just to see her cry.

"She did what you asked leave her alone" I shout until someone comes to me and hits me to my head.

"Enough" we all hear a woman's voice.

Forever Undone | Chamber x Fem reader | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now