The Start Of The Most Cursed Story I will Ever Make

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The League of Villians enter the USJ, with the leader, Tomura Shigaraki, looking around.

Tomura: "You said they'd be here doc. Where are they?"

Out of the black portal, Izuku Midoriya, head scientist for the League of Villians, exits and sees no heroes.

Out of the black portal, Izuku Midoriya, head scientist for the League of Villians, exits and sees no heroes

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Izuku: "Uhhhh...(checks watch) We've appeared to arrive an hour early."

Tomura: "That's not bad. Gives us time to plan out the attack. Good job doc. Let me help show you where your be waiting."

Izuku: "Wait. I'm gonna be part of the fighting?! I-I-I-I cant! I'm just a scientist! I don't even know how to fight!"

Tomura: "Just take a gun, with a silencer, and just shoot them from behind."

Izuku: "..............O-O-O-Okay?"

Tomura: "Your pops is gonna love it. Trust me kid."

Twice: "Don't worry bro! All you really gotta do is leave the fighting to us!"

Tomura: "Precisely! Just find cover and take them out from a far."

Izuku: "A-A-Alright."

Tomura: "Now go up to the Mountain Zone and just wait."

An hour later

The League started the attack, with Izuku sitting behind a rock, contemplating on his job to engage in combat. As he was dealing with this, a female hero in an exposing suit fighting off a villian. He slowly walks out from behind the rock and aims the gun at her. He pulls the trigger, but the villian gets in the way and Izuku blows his head off. The girl turns around and sees the villian drop dead and notices a boy in a lab coat with a gun looking shocked at what he did.

Izuku: "I didn't mean to hit his head..."

The girls eyes widened and shimmer seeing the boy. She runs over and hugs him spinning him around.

Girl: "Thank you! You saved my life!"

Looking down, Izuku sees Shigaraki get an idea. He signals for Izuku to continue on with the act, as he and the other villians escape with Kirigori's portals.

Izuku: "Uhhhh....Yeah! I was aiming for his shoulder but he kinda moved in the wrong way."

Girl: "Thank you anyways! I'm sure Aizawa will forgive you! I'm Momo Yaoyorozu!"

Izuku: "I'm Izuku."

Momo: "Come on! I'll so you Aizawa!"

She grabs his arm and takes him to Aizawa.

Izuku: "What! Nonononono! That's okay! You don't need to-!"

Aizawa: "Who is this Yaoyorozu?! Is he a villian too?!"

Momo: "No! This is Izuku- whats your last name?

Izuku: "Midoriya."

Momo: "Midoriya! He saved my life from one of the villians, but he accidentally shot him in the wrong area."

Aizawa: "Where'd you shoot him?"

Izuku: "..........."

Aizawa: "Oh no."

Izuku: "I-I-I didn't mean to! He just moved the wrong way!"

Aizawa: "What're you even doing here? Why did you have a gun?!"

Izuku: "I-I-I-I-I-I, uhh, heard a rumor! That the villians were gonna attack a UA facility! S-S-So I came here and tried to stop them!"

Aizawa: "Thank you for trying to help, but we could've handled the situation if you came to us instead. But why do you have a gun? Why not use your quirk?"

Izuku: "I'm quirkless! It's the only way I can fight!"

Katsuki Bakugo regrouped with the class and noticed Izuku next to Momo.



IIda: "Bakugo is a part of the Hero course. Do you two know eachother?"

A light bulb went off over Izuku's head, and he smiles at Bakugo, with Bakugo nervous realizing what he's about to say.

Izuku: "Yeah! As a matter of fact we do! Last time we saw eachother, I got a few extra burn marks from him."

The class looks at Bakugo with anger. Aizawa grabs him by the neck and walks him outside.

Aizawa: "Bakugo we are going to have a serious talk with Nezu about your future at UA. Thank you again for the assistance Midoriya. If you'll come with us to UA for the police to report it, that would be great assistance."

Izuku's eyes widened so much with excitement, they almost broke his goggles. An open invitation to UA! He could get some good information for the League. He could make his father even more proud, and earn the respect of the rest of the League members.

Izuku: "O-O-Of course! I would love to help!"

Momo: "Great! You sit with me on the ride back!"

She grabs his arm and drags him to the bus.

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