Your fight is over

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"Master Yoda! Obi wan!" Lili yelled as she ran through the Jedi temple.
Lili continued yelling until she reached the council room. She pushed open the doors and barged into the room.
"Obi wan! Anakin has-" she began but shortly realized no one was there to listen.

Lili touched the hologram on Master Windu's Chair. The hologram projected in front of her.
"Obi wan?" she asked.
the hologram began to show a familiar face.
"Obi wan!" she shouted.
"Lili! what's wrong?"
"Anakin! he- he-"
"He's what lili?" obi wan asked.
"He's joined the dark side," she spit out, Obi wan's face went pale, "No you've been mistaken. where is he?" Obi wan asked Lili.
"No Obi wan. Chancellor Palpatine was the sith Lord. Anakin is his apprentice. I saw it all. Anakin-... he killed master Windu." Lili told him.
Obi wan stared at the floor until his thoughts caught up with him.
"Ok Lili, you need to get to safety, find one of the Masters."
"There all dead. I've looked. The temple is empty and 3 of them are dead in the chancellors office."
"Ok- g- can- Lil-" The hologram feed was cutting out.
"Obi wan i can't understand you! what? Obi wan what do i do?" Lili cried out to him. The hologram went out and Lili was left with nothing.
If i can find a master and take him with me we can protect her.
Lili told herself.

Lili raced out into the halls again searching for any signs of Life.
After minutes of searching she was about to loose hope, until she heard a whine.
She quickly went into the younglings  training room.
Lili's heart stopped. Her chest stopped moving.  As she looked as the bloodied bodies of the younglings laying across the floor tears rolled down her cheeks.
"no, no, no." she whispered.
she heard the whine again.
She kneeled beside the child who was clinging to life.
"hello there." she said in the most gentle tone.
"your gonna be perfectly fine." she reassured him in a whisper.
The child was taking raspy breaths and was staring into lili's eyes.
She recognized the child, "Sors, what happened?" she asked him.
He tried to tell her, "he- he came in here, we thought- he was gonna help us."
Lili ran her hands through the child short blonde hair.
"who?" she whispered.
"Master Skywalker." he said, Sors eyes drifted towards the ceiling and lili felt his last breath leave his lips.
"no, no, sors! SORS!" Lili sobbed holding the child close to her.
So many tears filled her eyes she could barley see the other children around her.
"I'm sorry! I'm so Sorry!" she cried.

she gently laid Sors's body down and slid her hand over his eyelids to close them. She laid a soft kiss on his forehead, then wiped the blood off of her lips.
Lili began to think about her sibling and if they had been in this situation. Then she remembered her mother.
I have to get to her.
Lili stood up and looked at the small, slain bodies on the floor, "Your fight is over." she told the lifeless children and closed the door behind her.
On her way to her mother, her dream began to come true.

A figure at the end of the hallway began to approach her. Stormtroopers on both sides of him. Lili thought it was a master until he got closer.

"Father?" She asked frightened by the thought of who he was now.
Lili stumbled back as he got closer. She tripped over her own feet but continued to crawl backwards.
"I don't understand! Why?" She yelled at him.
"For you. And your mother." he told her.
As lili looked into her fathers eyes that were once full of love were now full of hatred and anger.
"your not my father. Your a monster!" she said.
"I am your father. I did this so i can save your mother, and your little sister." he told her as he kneeled down beside her.
Lili's chest began to rise quicker.
Anakin held up his hand and motioned for the troopers to finish searching the temple.
"Lili, Join me. You can finally train to be a unstoppable force. Like you've always wanted."

"No," Lili's eyes began to fill with tears again, "I wanted to be with my father, i wanted to be like him. The person my mother loved. the person who raised me." she told him, "And you- you are not him!" she yelled and kicked him back. She grabbed the lightsaber on her belt and ignited it.

"Don't make me do this, come back Father!" she yelled one more time.
"This is me Lili! I am your-"
"Ahhhh!!" lili yelled interrupting  his sentence and attacking him with the lightsaber.
Anakin easily blocked each one of her shots. Over and over again.
Lili had little to none experience with a lightsaber but she just need to make it to the speeder.

The sound of Lightsaber on lightsaber was constant. Lili was almost to the speeder.
"If my fathers in there, Tell him i love him." she said as she force pushed Anakin against a pillar and ran to the speeder and sped off to her mother.

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