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Jin's POV:

Waaah!!This whole house is so-so beautiful , not even in my dreams did I ever image myself to be living in such a big and luxurious place and not only that Uncle Joon is also a really nice person ,he is nice to me and also it's because of him I am able to come to Korea and now will attend my dream university !!!

"Jin !!",
said Uncle bringing me out of my thoughts he smiled warmly at me ,

" Let me take you to your room hmm , get freshened up and then come downstairs for Dinner it's already late We will discuss about everything tomorrow as We have travelled a lot and you need proper rest ,
I don't want you to get sick at all !!",
He said ,
"Yess Uncle!!",I replied Smiling up to him to which he hugged me ,
"I am so happy to have you here Jin !!",
He said making me confused but nevertheless I returned his hug , though I don't know why but I hugging uncle feels familiar and makes me feel secure and at peace , I have only ever felt that for Appa and Eomma till the date , well whatever he is my guardian at the moment so maybe because of that!!

Soon after Uncle Broke the hug and ruffled my hair making me pout as he seems to love doing that but my hairstyle gets ruined !!

"okk so here this is your room okkie now take some rest and freshen up I will call for you once the food is here!" he told me and left , but for me well I am just in awe with my room it is so beautiful

(I have showed the pictures already before but still here it is who wants to see it again 😏)

(I have showed the pictures already before but still here it is who wants to see it again 😏)

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I have only seen such rooms in movies and now I am living in such a place after eating I will show it to Kennie he will for sure love it !!!Though I wished he too was here , it would have been so much fun to be with him !!

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I have only seen such rooms in movies and now I am living in such a place after eating I will show it to Kennie he will for sure love it !!!
Though I wished he too was here , it would have been so much fun to be with him !!

Also Eomma ,Appa too wait I forgot to call them ,

"Will call them after bath !!", I said to myself and then Went to get washed up !!


" Appa, Eomma look this is my room!!",I said to them showing my room ,
"It is really beautiful baby , I am so happy Mr.Kim is taking care of you like a prince you are !!",
Eomma said making me smile ,

"Yes he is Eomma but still I miss you and Appa a lottttttt!!!!",
I said throwing my hand in the air making them laugh ,

"Well we also miss you a lottttttt son , but it's okk We know you have been taken care of well which itself makes our heart at ease , though make sure to call us daily , taking care of yourself and taking your medicine on time and ...",

"Yesss Appa I know you told me many times I am not a baby , I am big ..",
I was interrupted with a knock on my door ,

"Jin son Dinner is ready let's go!!",
I heard Uncle Joon from the other side ,

"Appa ,Eomma I gotta go for Dinner , Love you and Good Night Have sweet Dreams and take care hmm!!",
I said to them as they replied me with the same and then we ended the call ,

"Jin you there!!",Uncle Joon Knocked again ,

"I am here uncle Just coming !!!",
I shouted and went outside .

Namjoon's POV:

"Is the Food to your Liking !!",
I asked Seokjin who munched on the Steak I ordered for the two of us , well yeah I don't know how to cook so I always order food though now that Jin is here I think I should Hire a chef ,

" This is really good uncle , but you didn't have to order food !!",
he said to me ,

"Oh no Jin it's not , I don't know how to cook so I always order from outside but I will hire a cook who will make the food , I know outside food is not good for you !!",I said as I ate my food as well,

"Uncle If you don't mind can I cook ..",
he said making my eyes wide ,

"No way Jin , you won't you have colleges and all , I don't want you to work at all Jin !!",
I said immediately I don't want my son to cook he should rest and have a fun college life he ..,

"Uncle it's not that I know how to cook and want to be of help after all I am freeloading here like this..",

"Seokjin What I said Is the final thing so no means no , please for me and you are not free loading me ,
you are my son ...Ah I...mean you are like my own son ,
so please this is your house as well!!",
I said softly and strictly whe Jin who was quiet the whole time got up and hugged me ,

"Thank you so much Uncle for caring for me!!!",he said as I returned his hug smiling and tearing up a bit ,

'Oh Seokjin my son , I wish to say that sentence fully that you are my son , i want you to call me Appa , I know I have to wait and I will , though your Appa missed and love you the most in this world , You mean my whole world and Also mean everything to The rest 5 of them but I don't know if I should tell them about you or not !!'
I thought to myself !!

"No I won't ,won't ever tell anyone about you ever!!!",

I whispered to myself , not letting Seokjin hear .











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BANGTAN'S LITTLE JINNIE (PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now