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Namjoon's POV:

"Finally !!",

I said with a sigh and laid down on my bed tired ,
today there was a meeting with the school after the results were declared and well I was honestly exhausted , dealing with humans is real difficult !!

Now I am going back to Seoul Tomorrow in the evening , so I better get some sleep !!

Looking at the time made me sigh once again as it is already 1 am ,
I will sleep till afternoon and then get ready to depart!!

I just laid down on my bed when my phone started to ring making me groan in frustration ,

" Who the fuck is calling me so late at night !!!!", I growled tiredly and picked up the phone mumbling a hello but within seconds all my sleep and everything vanished away as I immediately sprint up my bed and changing the clothes I ran out of my hotel room immediately !!!


Jaebum's POV:

I am currently sitting on the couch along with my husband who too sat there scared and nervously as the two of us waited for the person who is coming to meet us .

Within around some time the door bell rang indicating that he has came , Yogeom flinched at the sound and looked at me but I just leaned down to kiss his forehead and said ,

"You know we have to do it love ,
for our son !!", I said softly only for him to nodd with tears .

Walking upto the door with a deep breath I opened it , abd there he was standing infront of me ,
breathing heavily as if he has just ran and his expression showed how desperate he was ,

"Where is my Son ??",
he growled holding my collar ,
"Come inside first you need to know a few things before meeting him !!", I said to the angry male infront of me .


"Okk so what is it you want to tell me and where is my son !!", Namjoon said as now we are inside mine and Geom's room not wanting Jin to hear anything ,
I looked at Namjoon who is now sitting on the bed while both me and my husband stood infront ,

" Okk so now please listen to the whole of it without interrupting!! ",
I said and then started to tell him everything who kept on downing and held a cold face ,
He was practically glaring at me and my love ,
" So yeah I was the one who killed Jennie and then Took both Yogeom and Jin with me ,
At first it was for selfish reason to have my revenge but later on I started loving Yogeom as a husband and Seokjin as my Son ,
We have loved and taken care of him as our very own child Namjoon ,
but now looking at it we have failed terribly,Seokjin has Lungs Disease ,
He needs treatment but we don't have resources to provide him that no matter how hard we work ,
but it's to no avail and just today only we got to know that he has gotten Scholarship for SNU ,
the university in which the principal is you !!",
I went towards Him and kneeled down Placing my head on the floor ,
I could hear Geom's gasp but ignoring that I begged to him ,

"I know what I did is not something forgivable I but Geom has always been Innocent so please kill me if you want I and my husband just want you to help Seokjin his health is not good we can't let him be alone and neither provide him much how will he survive there , his treatment we can't provide , we can't...",

"Yes you can't give my Son any thing Jaebum !!", Namjoon growled as I flinched ,

"You ..You both took my son ..do you know how much it hurt to think he is dead , to be away from him , heck you can't even compare !!!
And about my son I will take him with me I will tell him everything ...",

"N .No...You can't !!", came the voice of Geom .

Namjoon's POV:

I angrily Growled at this person who said I can't tell my son about him being my child ,

"What the Fuck do you mean by I can't you fucking...",

"What he said is right not because we don't want him to know the truth but because it will create harm for him , he loosed his memory after the whole incident so if he is forced to know ,
it can effect his health and brain !!", he said making me frustrated ,

"Then what am I supposed to do ??",

"I'm sorry but even we don't know !!!", said this foolish person kneeling down making me sigh in anger ,

" I want to see my son !!", I said to them to which Jaebum sat up and His husband looked at him,

"Ok come with me , but please try to remain quiet he is sleeping at the moment!!",
he said and then led me upstairs infront of a room with a pink door ,

"Here is he !!",
He said ,
"I will be inside for sometime you both may leave !!",
I said and without waiting for any response I slowly entered the room .

And then the moment I saw him ,
my son Seokjin ,
Park Seokjin all grown up but still the same ,

"Baby Appa is here !!", I whispered as I cried as quietly as I could!!

BANGTAN'S LITTLE JINNIE (PART 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora