4.9: The Pleasant Reminder

Start from the beginning

Near the end of the day I decided to call my Mother, I hadn't talked to her for a while, the last time we talked was when I went to my Father's house after the break up, and even then it wasn't a proper conversation. And since I had to wait for Erika to get back from a meeting so we could head over to Hamish's apartment together, I had time to spare to sit down and have that proper conversation with my Mother. I waited for Erika outside, at the front of the building where I watched the employees in the building slowly march out and head home. They all looked as exhausted as the next person that walked through those tinted doors.

"Hey sweetie!" My Mother's voice squealed through the phone after only two rings. "Your Father told me that the man you supposedly broke up with and you are back on track, is this true?"

"Why are you two gossiping behind my back?"

"Sweetie, even if your Daddy and I are broken up, doesn't mean we can talk like civilized human beings." She talked to me like a little kid, her voice soft spoken and very Motherly, which bothered me a bit. "Besides, you haven't bothered to talk to me, and I got worried."

I rolled my eyes. My Mother always knew how to make me feel like I caused her problems, but at least it felt nice to know she cared. She also had the ability to make it feel like we were in the same place, sitting next to each other and gossiped like Sisters. To be honest, other than Erika, my Mother was also my best friend.

"Anyway, how are you? Tell me what happened."

"Well-" And there I told her what happened, from when he picked me up to the fight and that kiss, but I skipped how I trult felt after that kiss - my Mother didn't know that her daughter got turned on from a make out session, plus, I have a feeling she'd tell my Father some of this stuff. "And tonight, he's cooking me dinner."

"I see, well, I hope you showered."

"What?" I choked, coughing at her sudden response. "Mom, what is that suppose to mean?"

"Sweetie, I'm not stupid. You're in your thirties, you lived with Dominic, I know you two have done the deed. Plus, when you Father cooked me dinner, it meant-"

"-Whoa! Mom, no." I interrupted and stopped her right before she explained the birds and the bees. Even at my thirties, I didn't need to hear about my Mother and Father knocking boots. "I get it-"

"May I ask you something?"

"Sure? What's up, Mom?"

"Why haven't you asked me about Janina Miller?"

"Pa-Pardon? Y-You know Janina Miller?" Okay, so I never expected that. How did my Mother know?

"I was married to your Father around the time Nathaniel was with Janina," She revealed like the information was such a joke. "They had a baby together around the same time I had Marcus. I don't know what happened to that baby though, but the poor girl bawled her eyes out because Nathaniel decided on it without her, and I don't know what happened after that."

Why didn't I think about asking my Mother? I didn't - well couldn't - believe how stupid I was not to think about my very own Mother! Then again, she did just tell me the same information I already knew about, just at a different perspective. There wasn't anything new, maybe except that Nathaniel gave away the child, not Janina.

"Mom," I sighed. "Can you tell me what happened to Janina the night she got murdered?" I couldn't resist.


I knew it. Like my Father, she sounded hesitant to tell me, and it became more obvious that the both of them knew something they weren't going to spill the beans about.

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