2.3: L&W Rules - Partners have Priority and Superiority

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"Good morning Ms Lawler."

"Good morning!" I greeted the receptionists with a smile as I marched on towards my office, practically skipping actually. I was in a good mood. It was Friday, Hamish and I found a solution to help our guilty client, and well, I had a pretty good night with Dominic too - although he left me an hour early because of a meeting he needed to attend.

"Someone had a good night, I assume?"

"If getting laid makes a good night, then yes, yes I did."

"Yuck, shut up, Annie."

I laughed and put down the two cups of coffee I bought from the café nearby. I always drank a flat white with one teaspoon sugar, and Hamish drank a chai latte with no sugar and added sweets. The least I could do was buy him coffee after I ditched him yesterday to go be frisky with my fiancé.

"No, I'm just happy it's Friday. We've had such a busy week, we need the next two days off-"

Hamish lifted his cup and stared at me apologetically as he took a quick sip. "Sorry, Annie, cancel your plans on Saturday. We've still got more to do," He sighed.

I sighed too. The defeated groan that followed added the extra kick to it too. I dropped my bag inside the drawer behind my desk, slightly slumped in disappointment and leaned against the side of the chair, my face scrunched a bit to show my dissatisfaction of having to work on a Saturday after this week already being a drag. Hamish only laughed and lifted my cup of coffee and beckoned for me to take a sip, which I did, but it didn't help one bit.

"Cheer up, Annie. We all have to work tomorrow."

"How come?"

Hamish leaned forward, his hand against the desk for balance as he whispered, "Your Father wants all senior associates in the firm to help him with a case."

"What?" I nearly yelled, my brows frowned and I became more dissatisfied.

"Yeah, we can't do much about it."

I took one last gulp of my coffee and slammed it down, I then marched towards the stairs leading to my Father's office. My expression completely changed, opposite to the cheerful Ms Lawler a few minutes ago. The heels of my stilettos clapped against the stairs as I raced to the top.

"Hello, Ms Lawler," My Father's secretary greeted. "You're actually in time, there is a meeting with the partners and the senior associates in the conference room starting in ten minutes."


I could actually slap myself from the sudden twist to my planned rant at my Father, I still wanted to give him my opinion about how he badly treated the senior associate from yesterday. My breath exhaled heavily and I planned to retreat back to my office and rant it out to Hamish, but as I turned, he already followed with my coffee at hand. I pursed my lips and bottled everything in as there were already echoes of footsteps getting closer and closer right behind him. Hamish noticed my delayed movements and placed a hand on the back of my shoulder and guided me towards the meeting room, he waited until we were clear and whispered, "I was going to tell you there would be a meeting in ten minutes, but you dashed off like you had ants in your panties."

"Hame, I-"

The door flung open and the first to enter was Rachel - the one who was shamed right in front of everyone in the office - and right behind her followed the other three senior associates, which included my best friend, Erika, who entered with a bright smile and looked like she had ants in her pants once she saw me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and we nearly fell over from her sudden tug, and Hamish was quick to snatch the cup out of my hands before it could spill everywhere. She pretty much had me in a chokehold, her hair covered my face and her breast pressed against my cheek.

Mr. Corporate Lawजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें