Chapter 16 - Moonlight

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"Akali! What happened to you!?" the door to Ahri's house slammed open as the very worried girl rushed out to meet Akali, who was supported on Kayn's shoulder, despite the man looking more messed up than her.

"Some fucker attacked us," Akali wiped blood away with a chuckle, before hissing in pain.

"Hey! Careful!" Kayn steadied her and his gaze connected with Evelynn's, who was peering over Ahri's shoulder at the situation. She clicked her tongue and pulled Ahri away from the doorframe by the waist.

"Ahri, dear? Please step aside so the injured can get in. It'd be a shame if their blood stained the doorstep.

"Right! I'll go get the first-aid kit!" Ahri exclaimed and scurried off.

Evelynn glanced at the man up and down curiously, before lifting his chin up to meet her gaze. Akali growled lowly at her, but it went unnoticed.

"So?" Evelynn started, "what's a man like you doing so messed up? I'd assume that with a form like yours, a random attacker should've been no problem?"

Kayn chuckled, eyes glinting red, "obviously. Most of the blood isn't mine, though..."

His voice trailed off as he looked at the girl, "I was too careless. I didn't expect them to come armed to a fistfight."

"Yeah," Akali coughed, "that was so dirty. I don't like playing by the rules, but damn -"

The girl broke into a coughing fit before she managed to finish her sentence and Kayn felt his heart wrench, before he steadily walked the girl to the couch.

"And remind me, why did they attack you again?" Evelynn's voice was elegant, yet there was an ever subtle hint of worry laced within it as she fiddled with her shades.

"It was my dang title again," the girl cursed as Kayn shushed her not to exert herself, "I hate to admit it, but if Kayn wasn't there-"

She was cut off again by a fit of coughs as her eyes squeezed shut in pain. Evelynn glanced between the two curiously and chuckled to herself.

"Well, at least you can make yourself useful, I'll give you that. I do hope that you gave them exactly what they deserved," Evelynn's golden eyes were filled with bloodlust, which almost rivaled that of Kayn's.

"Trust me, they're taken care of," Kayn assured her and Evelynn nodded in approval. After all, he could've ran.

Ahri rushed back with the medkit and Kayn's act finally crumbled a little as he winced in pain.

"Kayn!?" Akali exclaimed once she noticed the blood soaking through his shirt.

"I'm fine. Tend to Akali first," he commanded as he cursed himself for slipping.

"It's nothing compared to before, anyway," he thought to himself as he reminisced on the first time he'd gotten wounded on the battlefield - there were still multiple scars on his left arm and side where the bullets had penetrated and grazed his skin. Now, he'll have a new scar, along with the memory.

Ahri bit down on her lip and looked at him concerned, as his breathing was ragged, but quickly nodded as she proceeded to undress Akali, Kayn respectfully looking away. She then dabbed the rag in water in order to wash away the blood around her wounds. The foxlike girl cringed at the red spots on her skin and the long gnash along her arm. There was a large red rash near her collarbones, which was tied to the delirious state the girl was in, the ground swaying beneath her feet as she tried not to faint.

"Care to tell me why these random guys are after you?" Ahri asked Kayn specifically, seeing as the girl couldn't talk.

Kayn sighed, "are you sure you weren't in a gang, Teth?"

Interlacing Fate (Kayn x Akali) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now