"I think a certain someone needs a hug," Owen whispered, startling (Y/N) out if their own emotional haze. "We'll be here for you when you get back, but go spend some time with your boys."

Milo nodded, leaning his head on Milo's should and placing his hand on his bicep. "We have forever to be a family, go to them."

(Y/N) nodded, a grin on their face "If you wanna kick me out so you can fuck just say that."

Milo's face flushed instantly, Owen let out a choked laugh before answering "the sentiment still remains! Now go"

Adrien helped Luka out of his seat and met (Y/N) as they walked back down the aisle. "You okay?" Adrien asked Luka as (Y/N) tool the boy's other hand.

Luka nodded, wanting to wipe his tears but not wanting to let go of his partners' hands. "I forgot how emotional I get at weddings," he laughed weakly "embarrassing, right?"

"No," (Y/N) said simply "it's cute."

Adrien nodded in agreement "now, if you two don't mind, there's a private table with our names on it."

Luka laughed, a full on head tilted back, snorting, radiant smile on his face as Adrien led them to the gazebo.


"Do you think we'll ever do the whole marriage thing?" Adrien asked as he dug his fork into his cake. Luka was sprawled on the bench-style swing with his head in (Y/N)'s lap.

"I promised (Y/N) we would." Luka answered, smiling fondly at (Y/N) as he pressed a kidd to their hand "so I sincerely hope so"

"Can't only two of us get married?" Adrien asked, genuinely confused. Just because they were all together doesn't mean the law would see it that way. "I mean if you and (Y/N) wanna get married and throw another ring at me that's fine-"

Luka sat up, "no. We'll figure it out. We're all gonna be married and it'll be great. I know there might be some complications but-"

(Y/N) listened intently as Luka talked, but had trouble focusing the more they got stuck in their own head. What if they didn't last long? What if one of them doesn't want to commit to marriage when the time comes? What's it gonna be like when Adrien is at a huge wedding with no family there with him? Luka had his mother and his sister, and (Y/N) at least had Owen and Milo- but what about Adrien?

"I just-" Adrien started, the strain in his voice being enough to snap (Y/N) our of it "I don't want us all to get our hopes up only for it not to work out- we're only in highschool and-"

Luka pressed his lips gently against Adrien's "relax, we're not asking you to commit to getting married right now. Frankly I think proposing at someone else's wedding is rude. But now I'm asking you to relax and just love us now, in this moment. Can ya do that for me, cutie?"

Adrien nodded, leaning forward to steal another kiss. Luka groaned softly as Adrien pulled him closer. (Y/N) looked away, feeling like they were invading on their moment. Luka smiled like a idiot when he pulled away, and (Y/N) noticed just how lovely the two looked in the soft moonlight, and the way the soft fairy lights reflected in their hair. "Pretty..." (Y/N) murmured, not even realizing they spoke.

Luka perked up, moving back to the bench and gently holding (Y/N)'s chin so they could get a good look at them "You think I'm pretty?"

(Y/N) nodded dumbly, flustered at how close he was "very pretty"

"God, I love you" Luka whispered, mostly to himself, and dove right in to kiss (Y/N)


Love looked different for everyone. For Owen and Milo it was dancing the night away just as an excuse to be close and not have to part. For (Y/N), it was Luka wordlessly giving them his jacket at the end of the night when they started shivering in the car, it was Adrien going to get more cake because (Y/N) wanted more but was too nervous to go into the crowd of people at the actual reception. For Luka it was seeing his two angels nearly  passed out in (Y/N)'s bed but wordlessly moving to make room for Luka the moment he sat on the bed. For Adrien it was the fact that he'd been so focused on how happy he was with his loves that his father hadn't crossed his mind at all- despite all his activities the past month have been all about fixing his father's mistakes.

Love is a scary thing, but everyone fell asleep knowing that at least they didn't have to be scared by themselves.

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