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I am so fucking back and on my finale brain cell. Had a bad day at work and am sad, so here is some cute Tom Riddle and Harry Potter. 

Harry was sitting with his back to the wall, he was observing the room, he couldn't stand to be there. "BABY!" Ginny ran over to him and grabbed his arm, only it hurt, and he felt his skin crawl. "I am not your baby." Harry moved her overly lotioned hands with her cheap nails that looked like some crack whore did them. "Of course, you are. You are my boyfriend." Ginny sounded annoyed and Harry backed off before a man entered the room. "Harry Potter, it is time for your interview." A member of the Daily Prophet was taking Harry's point on the breakout and subsequent terror that is being done by the 'mad Sirius Black'. "I should be there, as your girlfriend." Ginny tried to speak but Harry just got up and practically ran from the room. "After this, you will come with me, and we will go to a safe space." Remus whispered to him, and the boy nodded, he was going to stay with Remus's father and stepmother. "Mr. Potter, how do you feel about the crimes of Sirius Black, mad murder and the man who betrayed your parents?" The interview revolved around Sirius and how he was a murderer and the man who betrayed his parents. After the interview was over Harry went with Remus to the floo and they went to a small home in America. "Why are we here?" Harry didn't know anyone in America and Remus only shrugged and was soon tackled by a woman with auburn hair and she was followed by two similar looking kids. "Brother!" The children laughed as Remus swung them in his arms. "How dare you not call before you come over!" The girl who Harry saw was pregnant and she wore a wedding ring. Harry wondered if Remus was married to the pregnant woman. "Who is this?" The woman was smiling before running into the house and yelling out two names. "Fenrir! Tom! Remus is home!" Harry heard the name Fenrir and backed up when he saw the men who entered. Fenrir Greyback wrapped and arm around the woman who then kissed him lightly before moving the children into a small kitchen and talking to them about a small potion they needed to make. "Who are these people Remus?" "These Harry are my dad, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, and Tom Riddle, a family friend." Harry was shocked and then felt his scar tingle with amusement at his surprised face. "After all Harry who would look for the Dark Lord in muggle home in America." Tom said before being shooed away by the woman of the house. "Hope Greyback, it is so nice to meet you. You need food in you." Hope led Harry to the couch and feed him some cake and tea and made coffee for everyone while her twins played in their room. "I will make sure the twins and I stay out of the man talk. I love you so much." Hope kissed Fenrir before she went to play with the twins. Harry found out that Hope had been attacked by a werewolf before Fenrir found her, it wasn't a full moon, so she wasn't turned but she did feel a pull to be out on the full moon. Fenrir saved her life and they soon fell in love and had the twins, Aiden and Alesha Greyback now age 8. "So, you stayed with them so no one would find you?" Harry asked Tom who was still very hot and now had Harry questioning his own sanity. "Yes, but Hope helped me get my sanity back." Hope soon entered with the twins and told them to say goodnight to their father, brother, Uncle Tom, and to their guest Harry. "Goodnight cubs." Remus said hugging them and getting a kiss on his cheek by Alesha. "Goodnight monster. Goodnight sweet princess." Tom kissed Alesha's hand and was tackled by Aiden. "Goodnight." Harry said before he was led to another room by Tom, but not before he saw Fenrir say goodnight to his kids. "Goodnight by sweet children. My strong, smart, wonderful pups." Fenrir hugged them and they hugged him back and each gave a kiss to his cheek before running to a car that came to get them. "They are having a sleep over for the week at my brother's house." Hope showed Harry to the room he would share with Tom. "I would give you separate rooms, but the other is currently being renovated for a small library. Harry assured her it was okay and as soon as she was gone he was slammed into the wall by Tom. "You are too cute for your own good." Tom began to kiss Harry and soon they were making out on the bed. 

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