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Another day, stuck with the muggles. Harry wished that Professor Dumbledore would let him stay at Hogwarts over the summer. They had locked him out again, it was going to be another hot day and cold night, he couldn't wait for school to start then he could be back with his friends. When the sun went down Harry thought about the events since his second year, Tom Riddle might have been right about Dumbledore not helping even though he could. 


In the chamber lay Ginny Weasley and a tall, very handsome young man. "She won't wake." The man said walking over to the 12-year-old. "We need to get out of here, there's a Basilisk!" Harry was panicked, he did not want to become like Moaning Myrtle he also didn't want to become a ghost, stuck with her forever. "She won't come till called." The man said, watching Harry with interest. "What is your name?" "My name is Harry, Harry Potter." The man smiled and walked closer. "I am Tom Marvolo Riddle." The man said, he was enchanted by the emerald, green eyes of the boy before him. "We need to leave." Tom stopped Harry from saying more. "The snake won't come unless called. The girl isn't going to be harmed, if you do something for me." Harry was stunned, the man, Tom was more attractive up close. "What do need me to do?" Tom was pleased. "I need you to keep my diary. You will need to write in it every day, and in return I will give you power." Tom trailed his fingers down Harry's flawless cheek. "What about Ginny?" "She will be fine, as long as you do what you have agreed to, if not she will die a slow, painful death and you will lose your soul." Harry shivered in delight at Tom's voice as it hissed out words in the snake language. "I'll do as you say." Harry was happy when Tom smiled and placed a kiss on his hand. "I can't write over the summer." "Why not?" "My Aunt and Uncle lock up all my school things." "Why would they do that?" "They're muggles and hate magic." Harry wondered if he should tell Tom about the abuse, although Dumbledore said he was overreacting. "What's wrong?" Tom was so close, his face inches away from Harry's. "My Aunt and Uncle starve and beat me." Tom became enraged. "How dare they! You have magical blood! You are superior to them in every way!" Tom pulled Harry in for a hug and wouldn't let him go. "What else did those filthy muggles do to you?" Harry saw that they were seated on couch. "How did we get here?" "These are Salazar Slytherin's personal rooms, only the heir or Lord Slytherin can access them. I think it is more comfortable to sit here than in the dueling chamber." Harry snuggled into the warmth Tom offered. "They lock me outside, it doesn't matter if it's summer or winter, they lock me out. They only let me in the kitchen to cook or clean, I only get table scraps, if I'm lucky. I slept in the cupboard under the stairs until last year, when they moved me into the smallest room upstairs. My Uncle Vernon says I am freak and don't deserve a bed, I sleep on an old dog bed I found in a dumpster." Tom's hold on Harry tightened, he took off his robes and wrapped the smaller boy in them. "I have cooked for them since I was old enough to turn the stove on and off. Dudley, my cousin doesn't do any chores, I have to do it all. Dudley and his friends play a game called 'Harry Hunting', that's when they try to catch me, when they do they hold my arms behind my back and beat me." Tom had silent tears running down his face, he had a hard childhood, but compared to this his was heaven. "Aunt Petunia once caught me trying to eat a blueberry, one blueberry, and I got locked in the cupboard till supper and lost all food privileges for a week, I also lost bathroom privileges." Harry saw Tom was crying, so he hugged the man, not sure what to do. "Harry, you can't go back there!" "I have nowhere else to go, Dumbledore won't let me stay at Hogwarts, he said that my muggle aunt's house has blood wards around it. I am safest there, although I am beginning to doubt that its safe." Harry was given a small kiss on his forehead. "Take me with you. I can protect you, much better than anyone else ever could." Harry and Tom cuddled for a while, until Harry remembered Ginny. "What am I going to do about the diary?" Tom held up a replica. "Here I shall have the great snake bite it for you." Tom walked to a separate room and soon came back with the destroyed book. "Take this Dumbledore, he will need proof that it is destroyed. I want to talk to you tonight." Tom kissed Harry's hand before he disappeared.

~End of Flashback~ 

Harry still had the diary; he and Tom talked every night and tonight would be no different. "Tom?" Harry was dragged into the diary, where Tom was waiting. "My love." Tom kissed Harry lightly before bringing him to the secret part of the chamber. "This year my main soul piece will be resurrected, you need to use me to bring me back to sanity." Harry didn't want to lose his Tom. "Don't worry, I will have my memories, and my main soul piece will have them. I will not look like this; I will have a form I took after years of using dark magic." Harry watched as his Tom became more snake-like. "This is what I will look like, I know it is not handsome, but it will be how I look." "Handsome." Harry ran a hand over the scales on his hands. "I don't care what you look like, as long as you are my Tom." Harry was kissed by the snake-like man in front of him. "I will never hurt you." Tom kissed him and Harry was kept, warm and safe with his Tom the whole night. 

~time skip to third task brought to you by Bellatrix's inbreed insanity. ~ 

Harry and Cedric grabbed the cup at the same time. They landed in a graveyard, in front of a giant cauldron. "What is happening?" Harry feigned fright. "The trophy must be a portkey, by why take us here?" Harry saw wormtail place something in the cauldron. "Tie up the spare." The small thing in the cauldron ordered and Harry watched as Cedric was taken up by a statue. "I will do this rat!" Harry shoved wormtail out of the way and did the ritual, placing the diary in the cauldron and his own blood. Out of the cauldron came a snake-like man, who had the same red eyes as Harry's Tom. "Clothe me." Harry placed a robe on his master and watched as the fingers traced the scar on his forehead. "Let us see if my powers are just as strong as they once were." Voldemort, as Tom had told Harry he would want to be called, said. "I shall kill the spare." Voldemort raised his wand. "Avada Kedavra." The green light came from his wand instantly killing the Hufflepuff. "My love." Voldemort pulled Harry against him and kissed him deeply. "I will not let you go back to the muggles this year, but for a day. I will kidnap you from them, if they try to hurt you say my name and I will come to you." Voldemort kissed his little lover and then placed the Slytherin Locket around his neck. "This is another piece of my soul, gaurd it well." Harry said he would and then he hugged Voldemort. "Up, please?" Harry was picked up in the strong arms of his lover. "You are like a kitten." Voldemort had fallen head over heels for Harry. Harry had fallen head over heels for Voldemort. 

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