Lily and Remus on the time of the month.

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 "I don't feel good. Why is having ovaries a fucking curse!" (Me at the moment, my time wasn't supposed to happen for three more days.) Two Gryffindors were in the common room, both having a hard time of it. Lily Evans and Remus Lupin, one a girl on her period, the other a werewolf close to the full moon. "Do you want more chocolate or a heating pad?" Remus held both options and sighed when Lily started to cry, he started to cry too. "I hate the moon; I feel so weak and antsy." Remus was given a hug from his friend. Lily and Remus were quite close, Lily was the first person he talked to about his crush on Sirius, she also knew he was a werewolf before the marauders. "We should ask the boys to get a nausea potion and then ask for a book on how to handle periods in the wizarding world." Remus smiled when Lily blushed. Lily had a crush on James, and he had a crush on her, Sirius always made fun of him for it. "Sirius!" Remus called out for his boyfriend. "Yes, moon of my life?" Sirius kissed Remus lightly before giving Lily a gentle forehead kiss and a candy he knew she was fond of. "We need a nausea potion and book on witch's periods and how to deal with them." Sirius kissed Remus again and then summoned the potions he brewed and a small notebook. "Cissa wrote this when I asked for advice for a first year who was panicking and thinking she was dying." Sirius also held a copy. "I wasn't lying there is a panicked first year." Sirius ran off to give the book to the girl, he always helped the kids, some girls were embarrassed but Sirius had a way about him that brought the best of them out. Remus and Lily read the book as they drank the potion and waited for it to kick in. "It says I should do this spell." Lily pointed to a spell for pregnancy first then another for the blood. "Looks simple, always do a pregnancy check first if sexually active." Remus did the spell, and she was indeed not pregnant, Remus knew beforehand due to his sensitive nose. "Ugh! Kill me, please! Rip out my ovaries I don't care." Lily was being dramatic, but she was bleeding and in pain and trying not to sneeze. (If you have ever sneezed on your period than you know what I mean.) Lily was laying on her side and Remus was playing with her long, flame colored hair as she cried about something was seeing in Witch's Weekly. "It's so sad Rem." Lily showed him an abandoned puppy picture and then she started to cry all over again. Lily was crazier on her period, crying over the smallest thing and then hexing the Slytherins for saying something against Remus and Sirius's relationship. "Why don't we try to sleep?" Remus and Lily went to the Marauder's dorm room, where James took his girlfriend to his bed for a nap and Sirius returned to snuggle his boyfriend. "I love you Remus, you are my best friend." Lily said quietly as she fell asleep. "Love you too Lils." Remus soon slept in Sirius's arms smiling, his pain was forgotten. The week was like that, Remus and Lily being moody and Lily staying with James and Remus overnight. Peter just stayed with Lily on the full moon since she still smelled of blood and she didn't want to hurt Remus with the scent. "Be good, all of you." Lily was mothering them, but they didn't care, it meant that she did. "Sirius, keep an eye on the doors, don't let him into Hogsmeade. James don't get stuck in a door. Remus, try not to hurt yourself, you are not a monster, you are my best friend and I love you." Lily hugged them before they left, and she went to sit with Peter. "Wanna go find some Fire whisky?" Peter's eyes lit up as Lily led him to the Potion classroom and broke into Slughorn's desk and pulled out a full bottle of the drink and led Peter back the room to drink some. All in all, a good time even though she was sluggish, and Remus was running an old shack with his friends it was good time to be alive and they had many more years to enjoy their lives as a crazy but incredibly loving family/pack. 

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