Harrymort mpreg part 1

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Harry struggled to keep his eyes open, it had been four days of little to no sleep, wrapping his cloak tighter around his body. "We're okay." He whispered softly and prayed to whatever god who was listening that he would be safe from Dumbledore and his Order of the Flaming Chickens. The rain had picked up again just in time for Harry to reach Malfoy Manor. "Please let them help me." Harry pleaded to whoever was listening. "Potter what the hell are you doing here!" Draco was the one who came and saw the young wizard was about to pass out. "I need to see Voldemort." Harry sounded desperate mostly because he was, the blonde led him to the meeting hall. "My Lord, Harry Potter wishes to see you." Draco bowed and showed the young wizard behind him. "Harry Potter the boy-who-lived, why have you come?" Voldemort got up and saw the teen look at him and the dark lord read his mind, seeing what the wizard had seen. 


Harry was laying on a bed in the hospital wing as Madam Pomphrey was crying as she read the scroll. "What's wrong?" Harry was asking getting worried at her reaction. "I am so sorry; I can't explain what happened. You have a powerful core, my boy, you are pregnant." She gave the young Gryffindor the scroll that showed the parentage of the child growing in Harry. Voldemort was the other parent. "How?!"  Harry was starting to panic; he was scared and in awe of the little life he could now sense in him. "Have you slept with someone in the past 2 weeks?" Harry blushed and shook his head no. It was crazy, he a man was pregnant.

Dumbledore found out and was trying to convince Harry to get rid of the child (That angered the Voldemort) he tried to explain that it would grow up to be evil. "It can't be allowed to live." Albus raised his wand and threw a termination spell, only a shield wrapped around Harry, it came from the scar. "I don't care who else made the baby! I want to keep the baby; I will not let you kill them because you don't like where one side of the DNA came from!" Harry yelled at the old man only for him to wake up in the Order's HQ locked up in a room, unable to stop the on slot of termination and abortion spells being thrown at him. Hermione and Ron were calling him all the slurs they could think of they also threw spells at him; it was draining his magic to keep his shield up. Kreacher went to Harry and gave him food that was good for the baby and good for male pregnancies. "Master Harry needs to eat, Kreacher is making sure you is feed." The house elf gave Harry some food and drinks. "Can you take from here?" Harry asked, he needed to protect his child, no matter the cost. "Why?" "I need to protect my child, the only way to do that is to get away from here. My child is innocent in all this, please Kreacher." Harry grabbed the hands of the old elf and pleaded with him. "What is it that Master Harry needs from Kreacher?" Harry knew he would need muggle money and wizarding money he was going to disappear into the muggle world, he was going to leave them behind. "I's be getting that for you." Kreacher left with a pop and got muggle money from Hermione and took some money from the OOTP members. Soon Harry was taken to a bus stop and leaving for many more, he was going to confuse the order and leave false trails. 

~End of Memories~

"The old man hurt the child!" Voldemort screamed and Harry held his wand ready to defend himself and his unborn child. "I am not going to hurt you." Voldemort dismissed his Death Eaters, all but Severus. "I didn't see Severus in your memories, where was he?" Harry didn't know where Snape had been during his captivity in Grimmauld Place. Harry swayed unable to stand on his own. "Let's get you to sleep." Voldemort led Harry to his throne and held the boy closer feeling the magic of a child in the teen. "Severus, why didn't you inform me of Potter's incarceration?" Severus looked at Harry in shock. "Albus told me that the boy was in training, he told the same to the mutt and pet wolf." Severus had small tears in his eyes when his lord showed him some of what he saw, in no way would ever even think of terminating a child that a parent clearly wanted. "I had no idea, my lord." Severus was terrified even more so now because he knew it was the Dark Lord's child. "What did the old fool have you doing?" Severus was told to sit in a chair in front of the Dark Lord who held Harry on his lap he was feeding his magic to the teen. "I was told to watch you and tell him everything that happens in the meetings, I gave some false information. I can tell him I am needed for a mission for you and can make sure Potter takes the potions required for his health." Voldemort was feeling the child's magic and loving the reassurance of life coming from the baby, his baby. "That is a good idea. I need some diagnostic spells on Harry." Voldemort shocked his potion master by calling the pregnant teen by his first name. "I can run the spells and see what damage has been done to Potter and your child." Severus had moved Harry to a seat and ran the spell he was shocked at what he found Malnutrition, burns, effects from the unforgivable curses, and many other spells that could cause harm, the worst was the strain on the boy's core from holding a shield both mental and magical barrier around his child. "It is much better that Harry is here. I have seen these and no one should go through what he has." Severus was cursing the headmaster for what he did to a magical child. During the night Harry woke up and when he turned, he saw Voldemort sleeping next to him and smiled at the calm, tranquil expression on Voldemort's face. Harry couldn't help himself from smiling and imagining seeing everyday waking up seeing it in the morning. Harry could see himself and Voldemort with a baby, sitting on the bed and reading to a green-eyed baby with wavy chocolate colored hair. Dumbledore was going to take this from him, it made Harry sad that he might lose the future with his child and Voldemort, even though the man had snake-like features he was still handsome. "Go back to sleep." Voldemort mumbled and pulled the pregnant teen closer to his body.  "I need to know if there is anything wrong with my baby." Harry said even as he snuggled closer to the dark lord and loved the warmth he offered. "Severus assured me that nothing is wrong with the baby. You need to sleep more." Voldemort was not a morning person, he detested mornings. "Can you hold me?" Harry mumbled and blushed. "You never have to ask." Voldemort pulled the boy closer and placed a light kiss on the teen's head.

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