Daddy Snape and Dino Nuggies.

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I miss making Snape as a dad, so this is me making myself happier. 

The classroom was silent as they waited for Snape to enter, they were all in fifth year and knew what the potion master was like. A little head poked through and saw all the students, with a big grin the little boy walked over to the desk and picked up a potion book. "Quiet. Today you will make Dino nuggies." The little boy said and then started laughing at the shocked faces of the students who obviously weren't expecting a little boy to be in the class. "Harry, come here." The class turned and saw Dumbledore had entered and the little boy shook his head. "Daddy told me to wait in his classroom. He told me to make sure it didn't get blowed up." Dumbledore smiled and then held a candy bar out to the boy. "You left this in my office along with this." Dumbledore held out a stuffed dog and stag. "Pafoo, Prog!" Harry ran over and took his stuffies away from the headmaster before returning to Snape's desk. "Everyone in your seats!" An irate potion master walked in and saw his seat was occupied by a four-year-old boy. "Harry, why are you in my seat?" "You told me to wait in your classroom daddy." Harry said it like it was obvious and then walked over to hug his daddy. "Well, why don't you go with Grampa Albus for now." Snape picked up the boy and tried to give him to the headmaster. "No, I wanna stay with you daddy. I wanna make Dino nuggies." Harry held onto his daddy and buried his face in the man's neck. "We're not making Dino nuggies, maybe you can make them with Grandpa Albus and Grandma Minnie." Harry's eyes lit up and he ran over to his Grandpa Albus. "Can we make nuggies?" "I do believe that can be arranged my boy." Albus picked the boy up and brought him from the room with a promise to make some for Snape. In the office Minerva was waiting with a plate of food and some chocolate milk. "There are my boys." Minerva smiled and opened her arms for a sticky hug from the boy and got a sloppy kiss on her cheek. "I make nuggies?" Minerva smiled and held out a plate of the food out to the boy. "Are you ready for the spell?" Albus held out his wand and Harry said the words with his tiny hands on top of his grandpa's hands. "You did so well, Harry!" Minerva and Albus praised the little boy who gave them the widest smile. They ate the snack and played a game of find the stuffies, they were on a hunt as Harry called it. "Progs!" Harry hugged the stag to himself and laughed as Minerva made the stag and dog dance around the room. "Can I go see daddy now?" The boy was getting tired and usually went to Severus around this time. "Sure." Minerva and Albus brought the boy to Severus who was teaching 7th years. "Daddy!" Harry ran into Snape's arms and clung to the man with all his might. "I made nuggies and Grandma Minnie made my stuffies run around and Grandpa Albus got hitted on the head by padfoo." Harry said clutching his toys and telling his daddy how he did the spell to make his Dino Nuggies. "Here, he wasn't happy till we brought them and won't be happy till you eat one." Minnie gave Severus the baggie and then she and Albus went back to their offices. "Here Daddy." Harry feed his daddy a nuggie and all the Slytherin's smiled and some Gryffindor's made fun of the dungeon bat. "My daddy is not a bat, he is the bestest daddy in the whole world! You are meanie! Grandma and Grandpa were lions but you are a meanie lion and I don't like you!" The little kid threw a potion book at the boy and went back to sitting on his daddy's lap and munching on his Dino Nuggies. "20 Points from Gryffindor for bullying a child." Snape said hugging his son and giving the boy some chocolate milk. "Can I make a potion Daddy?" Severus smiled and nodded. "We are finished with our potion Professor Snape, we can help him." Some Slytherins said and Harry ran over to them with a smile. All of the Slytherins loved Harry, he was a bright light and intelligent, some of the girls watched him and some of the boys too, Harry was the unofficial king of Slytherin, and he loved his friends. "I make somefing for daddy." Harry pulled out his book and they made a cleaning potion for any little spill or stain that Harry made sometimes. "You are the brightest boy in the whole world." A random Gryffindor said helping the boy chop up ingredients. "Oh, look he can stir a potion. Oh, look he can talk. The kid is nothing but basterd and his mother was under a love potion. No one could love a filthy death eater." A Gryffindor lost his pinky finger when Harry's accidental magic made the knife cut it off. "My daddy is better than you. My mommy wasn't under a potion, and she loved my daddy. You are meanie who doesn't have any friends only other meanies near you!" The little boy was shielded by Slytherins and a phoenix who had come to see it's favorite little boy. "100 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR!" Snape screamed and ran to his son, holding the boy close and dismissing class. "Get Albus." The phoenix went to it's master who expelled the boy and spent the day with his grandson. "Can we make more Dino Nuggies?" Harry loved the food and almost dying by a foolish Gryffindor hadn't harmed the boy. "Yes, we shall ask the elves to make special for you." Snape said hugging his little boy. Lily and James were watching their son from heaven and loved that their little boy was so loved on by everyone else. 

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