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(swipe for joseph playing guitar<3)

July 25th 12:35 📍New york

"please welcome the one and only Annabel stokes and Joesph Quinn!" the host of the concert, Gary yelled into the mic

We ran out waving at the fans, "hi new york!" "hello my lovely people" we say into our mics.

"okay so are you guys ready for, as dusty bun says..most metal ever?" gary cheers.

"absolutely!" joseph cheers. "let's do this people!" i cheer.

we head over to our instruments, as the intro started.
just like Emmaline did in the show, i through up my drum stick before catching it and began playing.

As we're playing, the crowd cheers, singing along. i look over to the side of the stage seeing ross, Thomas, Jacob and Jackson.

Jackson's makes a heart with his hands, i smile back before turning to the crowd.

After playing for 8 minutes me and joseph cheer along with the crowd high fiving. "thank you new york!" i smile waving before making my way off stage.

i run over hugging the boys as they compliment me. "didnt think you were that damn good" jacob laughs as we all pull away.

"says the guy who kept begging me to play the drums for him" i laugh. "okay i'd love to stay and chit chat but wired is waiting on us!" ross says as joseph comes over.

"okay bye guys, see ya at the hotel!" i wave, kissing jackson quickly before us 3 head out to the uber.

as we're walking out i sign some pictures for fans, taking pictures. one hands me a shirt that read 'i love Emi&Eddie' i laugh hugging her quickly before ross pushes me into the car.

"joseph look at this shirt" i laugh showing him it, he chuckles taking a quick photo of it. "that's actually quite cool" he nods.

"i'm gonna get it framed above my head" i smirk. "oh ffs you and your sarcasm darling" he says nudging me.

"sorry jojo" i laugh, we pull up to the building heading inside, i quickly change my shoes and shirt, pulling my hair into 2 space buns.

"and.. 3! 2! 1! we're rolling" the camera guys says.

"hi i'm joseph quinn!" joseph says smiling into the camera. "and i'm Annabel stokes!" i smile.

"and this is the wired interview" we say together.

"okay so we both have a board each with the top 5 most searched with our names" i explain as we get passed a board each.

"it's the Who, what, where, when and why" joseph notices. "5 W's" he nods.

"okay joseph first!" i nudge him.

"who is joseph quinn's.. mum? my mum is Mrs quinn.. sorry she doesn't want her name on the internet" he mumbles the last part slightly before laughing.

"she's a lovely lady though! i met her over facetime" i laugh along.

"okay! what is joseph quinn's favourite colour? it's red! like burgundy ish" he answers. "where was joseph quinn born.. i was born in south london! but i mainly grew up in liverpool since that's where my mum is from"

"when is joseph quinn getting married? um.. what" we both laugh at the question.

"why is joseph quinn crying? oh i know this one um it's a popular headline. i was crying at London Comic con because a fan said something very sweet and well i'm emotion!" he laughs.

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