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8th August

"bye Nikita" i smile tiredly as she drove off down the hill, i head inside to the kitchen, taking some medicine for my headache. "hey kid, how's the hangover" Thomas laughs as he walked into the kitchen. "never let me drink again i swear to god" i groan as i lay my head on the island.

"your underage anyways" he laughs ruffling my hair before wondering off. i head up to my room changing into pyjama trousers and a Disney jumper. i climb in bed trying to remember anything from last night.

u home??

ya in my room what's up

"heyy" i hear from the door, i turn seeing Mia heading over, she plots beside me passing me a bottle of water. "thank you" i mumble taking a sip of it. "remember anything from last night?" she chuckles. "nope, why did something happen?" i ask turning to face her.

"you uh you made out with Jacob in nikitas kitchen" she mumbles. "oh my god" i groan shoving my face in my pillow. "i'm let you get some rest, Jackson's out with Bryce and Kristian till later but you should talk to him" she says kissing my head before heading out.

i just had to tell him. i couldn't complain about wanting a better relationship then going and kissing his best friend whilst we were on a break.

i get atleast 4 more hours of sleep before i change into clean clothes, my pink knitted jumper along with leggings. i head down to the kitchen making myself a bowl of porridge, i stir in some of Aces protein powder he recommended to me. i grab a spoon taking a seat at the island.

i assumed everyone was out at a restaurant or something since the house was so empty. It reminded me of the birthdays i'd spent alone growing up, everyone would make an excuse to not be around because they'd forgotten to get a present or card.

My 12th i spent babysitting Rylie, My siblings and Helen had went out for the weekend to some safari park, leaving me, 12 to look after rylie who was 9. Helen never cared about how safe we were, she took kids who weren't hers and left there dad like it was nothing. luckily at 14 i moved down to Carlsbad with dad, then at 15 moved into the hype house.

by the time i'd finished my porridge the others were home. "oh hey your up" Thomas smiled at me. "yeah" i nod cleaning my bowl and spoon. "ayy you used the protein powder, was it good?" ace asked me. "yeah, the best porridge ever" i laugh.

"what is it?" thomas asks. "the porridge and protein powder combo" ace tells him before disappearing off to his room. "alright cool, night kid" thomas say walking off. "night" i smile, reaching up to put my bowl away.

"was looking for you" i hear from behind me. i turn seeing Jackson leaning on the kitchen island. "oh hi" i smile.

"how's your head" he asks, i pick at my nails as i mumble back "better" he sits beside me on the counter as i leaned against it, taking my hand in his "what's up"

my mouth feels dry but i manage to tell him "i kissed Jacob at the party" i look up and his eyes meet mine, and i want to throw up. i regret all of it. the drinking, where i sat, what i said, how i let him lead me to the counter.

i don't know if it's my words that have turned the room silent or the fact that we both know this is it, but it looks like his heart just broke, almost shattered into tiny pieces. A tear slips from his eyes, rolling down his cheek.

He finally talks and when he does my heart shatters. "i don't think we're good for one another" he mumbles. "Really" i manage to say as a lump grew in my throat. "we argue and the breaks- we yell at one another then the next we're acting like we're married" he says. i chuckle "so what're you saying" i ask him swallowing the lump in my throat.

"i think this is us, the end of us" he mumbles rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand. "it's for the best right" i nod wiping at my eyes, which does nothing. "maybe in the future" he shrugs. "maybe" i mumble before rushing off.

"annabel-" "i'm sorry Jackson" i sob as i walk out the back.

This was it, Us. why felt like years was nothing but 5 weeks. 2 years of facetime calls and cheesy text messages. It's all over. We're over.

omg? this is it! i'm gonna write an epilogue which will be a bit juicy of course. thank you all for the love on this story. if your a jacob day fan i'm currently writing a fanfic on him, it's called thunderstorm. <33

love, Annabel👸🏼

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