I'm In Love With A Monkey

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"Rami, get your things ready, we're going to the zoo!" Rami's mom yelled.

"Coming mom!" He yelled back.

He couldn't wait. There were so many animals for him to see. Bears, tigers, giraffes. But he didn't really care about those animals, no no. He was really only looking forward to seeing...the monkeys.

He ran downstairs, out of the house, and to the car where his mother and little brother were waiting for him.

"Took you long enough," his brother said.


The car ride there was completely silent, with his mom and little brother too intimidated by Rami's undying love for monkeys to speak.

When they arrived at the zoo, he ran faster than SONIC and LIGHTNING MCQUEEN through the entrance and into the zoo itself.

He used his magic senses to track down where the monkeys were. His brain scanned the entire zoo until it finally sensed the beautiful creatures.

He bolted to the monkey exhibit and Thanos snapped his fingers to erase everyone in the exhibit. The screams of the innocent people he just killed were a distraction. He needed to be alone.

He looked through the glass to see all of the monkeys.

And then he saw him.

Rami gazed upon the most beautiful monkey he had ever seen, which actually said a lot since he thought all monkeys were beautiful. But this monkey was different. This...was the monkey of his dreams!

They both made eye contact. The monkey's eyes were the gateway to his soul, and Rami needed to get to know this monkey.

He closed his eyes and concentrated.

The things that Rami saw in the monkey's soul brought a tear to his eye.

His name was Terry, and Terry the monkey was hurting. He felt lost, confused and lonely, every moment of every day. All Terry wanted was to be loved.

Rami could feel his pain. He put his hand up against the glass. Terry moved over to Rami and put his monkey hand against the glass as well. Rami could feel the coldness of Terry's hand through the glass, waiting to be held.

Then Rami couldn't take it any longer.

He Falcon punched the barrier between him and Terry. The glass exploded and flew everywhere, but it didn't matter. He was going to let NOTHING get between him and his love.

He went up to Terry and grabbed his monkey face in his hands. They looked at each other for a long minute.

Then Rami kissed him. The kiss was tender and passionate, and he loved every second of it. It made him feel things that he never felt with anyone else before, because he was a virgin.

"C'mon Terry, let's get out of this shitty zoo. Together."

He grabbed his monkey hand and ran. They ran together to a better place and never looked back.

I'm In Love With A Monkey (Story for a friend)Where stories live. Discover now