chapter 11

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Alexia pov_

After dropping the call, I went inside to meet my mom, I feel really bad for speaking to her like that, she deserves to be happy and I'm being just wicked if i make a big deal about it, but It is gonna be so weird, having to see my principal here, but I said, I knocked softly on my mom's door and peeked my head inside and found her looking at the dress layed on the bed ,lost in thought,I went and hugged her .

"Mom, I'm sorry for throwing such tantrum,It was selfish of me ". I finished looking at her smiling

" you're the best daughter ever, I love my cupcake and I'm sorry for putting you in such awkward position". My mom said and kissed my forehead.

" Mom, there is something I wanna tell you, don't freak out...

"Im already freaking out"

I laughed alittle and continued

"well, I have a bf and my best friend is in love with him and I don't know what to do" I finished and my mom sigh before tapping her bed for me to sit and she placed my head on her chest as she pats my head before speaking

"Did she tell you she loves him? Or you just assumed?"

"Not exactly".

"My love ,don't always assume things, talk to her about it, you might be surprised and don't worry your little head ..if she truly is your friend, she won't act on her feelings for your don't worry about it, Maddy is a good girl"

"I love you mum" I said and hugged her tightly

" Now leave me to get dressed for my date" my mom said and practically pushed me out of her room smiling


Maddy pov_

"Hey Al"

"Hey Maddie, nice to see you came, I was starting to think that you wouldn't". Alexia said and sat on couch

"Ofcourse I will come, you're my best friend after all"

"Well, best friend's don't go about stealing their supposed best friend's boyfriend, do they?" Alexia said icily and I was somewhat confused

"What do you mean?"

"ofcourse, you will act all pretentious and innocent" Alexia said Mockingly

" I don't know what you're talking about" I said tears already pooling in my eyes

" pardon my manners what should I offer you, I've got water and cranberry juice, you like cranberry juice, I'll get you some" Alexia said and walked to the kitchen,I was still dumbfounded...she is acting all crazy and I don't have any clue what this is all about, she soon came with the juice and I am scared to drink from it, I stood there staring at the drink blankly and I heard Alexia sigh and picked the drink up

"you think I poisoned it, right? Well I'm not heartless,I can't hurt you maddie...she said and drank a little from the drink..Are you okay now, drink some". I reluctantly took it and drank

"Would you mind telling me what all this Is about? " I asked wanting all this drama to end

"Why didn't you tell me ,it was because of Tyler you wanted to be in that play, it was so because you wanted to kiss him, you didn't have the fucking balls to tell him how you feel but you got jealous the second he started coming for you wanted him for yourself, you snake". Alexia said so calmly that I shivered..I just sat there dumbfounded.

"Cat got your tongue" Alexia continued and I looked at her and laughed heartily

"Seriously, you're joking right? What are you 12? So you think I would hurt you or whatever you just spilled, firstly, I wanted to be in that play for the longest of times and I told you the reasons, I'm personally hurt that you would say something like that but moving on...and Tyler, I didn't even know until we saw the audition list that day..I didn't even know he acts, I don't do stuffs because of guys, and Yes I loved him,I won't lie to you because I value our friendship Al"


"Well, yes ,I have loved him for the longest of times,but when I saw you love him and he also feel the same way .. I knew I would bury all I felt for him...I would love again, and I'm sorry for the play..I honestly didn't kiss him on purpose and a blind person would know that there was nothing to that kiss, so this is the reason...I get that you're hurt and I didn't mean to atleast not intentionally" I finished and surprisedly Alexia pulled me into a tight hug

"Ive Missed you so much...this past few weeks without you has been so lonely, I have a whole lot to tell you" Alexia finished and smiled

"This past weeks has been the worst, my mom came though"

"She did, that's amazing"

"She barely stayed for dinner

"Im sorry I wasn't there"

"Im just glad you're here now , so start filling me up with all I've missed"

" most recent, my mom just went on a date with our principal,Mr Briggs"

"What?!" my eyes literally flew wide open

"And I'm no longer a V"

"What?!!, OMG, that is fantastic News...sooo how was it?"

"It was phenomenal, and Tyler and I has been dating"

"That I know ,it was pretty obvious"

"He is just amazing"

"ive been meaning to ask, why don't you join me in swimming's amazing"

"i guess I haven't told you this but I suffered from severe PTSD, when I was 7, my mom and I went to pick up my brother from swimming lessons and I don't know how I found myself in the pool and I almost from then on I can't stand the sight of a gathering of water not to talk of getting into it all in the name of swimming"

"Im so sorry I didn't know this"

"its cool... anyways let's go up, I'm feeling really sleepy.

"Alright" I stood up and followed Alexia to her room ,I was so glad we are finally talking again

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