Emotional numbing Part 16

Start from the beginning

We consider that if we leave, how would we survive? Where am I going to go? This person has been so good to me, how can I leave them? When we drop the person, life gets real, and we simply run back.

It's easier to stay in something we understand than face the unknown. Leaving that relationship was one of the most difficult decisions I have had to make in my life.

I assume this is difficult for most people stuck in a similar situation.

In leaving, I realized that there is a massive world waiting, waiting for us to be who we were meant to be. Starting over, picking up the pieces, piece by piece. Picking up pieces of us that have been scattered.

That is my reason for declaring it is one of the most difficult decisions someone can make. We should never return to something that abuses us, whether it be mentally or physically. We are destined for so much more on this earth than to be abused by another person.

It takes a tremendously strong person to stay, but it takes an even stronger person to walk away.

You are stronger than your circumstances.

Abusive debt

Abusing ourselves through debt may not seem that bad to some, but in reality, this is a big issue for many people. Some people steer toward shopping when life gets hard, life throws a curveball, then they don't know what to do.

They go shopping to numb the emotion. The idea is that trendy things bought can create pleasure. New home or new clothing to look and feel better.

Kitchen appliances help us feel good when cooking. Whatever bought, the idea behind this is that buying the latest item will help with emotional strain. The abuse part of this is that our debt accumulates to a point where we eventually become over-indebted, becoming miserable because we can't pay the debt back.

We go shopping again because now we have another stressful situation. In doing this, we are merely creating a guiltier situation than before.

Creating debt to numb our emotions is a sad reality for some people.

I went through a similar situation a couple of years ago, and every time I felt down, I went shopping. In today's life, with technology being what it is, we don't even have to go out of the house. I learned from my mistakes and realize today that it wasn't worth the trauma I had to endure paying back. The long-term pain that it creates is not worth it.

Technological abuse

Most people have access to technology. I would say that technology today is what the world revolves around. Most businesses can't function without the benefits of technological advancements. In general, technology has improved the quality of life, but for some, it has become an abusive source of comfort during hard times.

What happens when we had a tough day at work and arrive home? We dump ourselves in front of the tv and state that the dishes or cleaning can wait for another day, or when we had a tough spot in life, we run to social media and splatter our emotions and lives all over the internet.

When life gets tough, we hope that whatever's waiting on the other side of that device will numb those emotions.

I, for instance, love writing, but whenever I feel down, I turn on a movie, simply because I believe this would make me feel better and numb my emotions. When I am done with my shows, the whole day has passed, and I feel worse because I hate myself for not doing more. technological abuse, like most ways we abuse ourselves, simply extends the emotions.

These emotions are still waiting for us in the end. The emotions are not being treated, they are simply being compressed and extended.


Gluttony defined; as excessive eating and drinking. Steering to abusive eating to numb the emotions when life gets tough.

Been there, when feeling down and under, we drive toward the pleasures of life. Visiting the store and stocking up on chips, chocolates, and cool drinks. Finishing all of it because it makes us feel better. I bet you have been there more than once, as most of us have.

Whether we believe it or not, this is a form of abuse, and we tend to overindulge in food when emotions run rapid, helps us feel whole doesn't it? Especially junk food.

We are abusing our bodies when falling into gluttony, that is why I added gluttony to my list.

At the end of the day, no matter what our reasons are, or the form of abuse we steer toward to numb the emotions when life gets hard, we all have a weakness and struggle with our hidden traumas.

We can merely attempt to stand firm and face our daily challenges with an open mind. Attempt to steer from the abusers that we believe numbs the emotions.

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