He clung to his dream, his sole goal to become a hero, letting it become the shroud that protected him from reality, hiding him from what the world really was.

A world of cruelty and pain

He would never give in, and he would become a hero, no matter what. And this is, this infinite well of grit and determination, what made Izuku different from any other.

For Izuku Midoriya was abnormal; His Determination allowed for his path to be his own to choose, his own to walk and his own to make.

Izuku's future laid infinite possibilities, innumerous timelines, diverging paths and none the exact same.

His heart, his heroic spirit, could remain intact, even throughout his abuse, and he could work tirelessly to become the next number one hero.

He could be taken by All for One, who would twist his pure soul into devilry and evil, and use Izuku as a puppet for destruction, the next number one villain.

He could manifest a quirk at any point in his life, from his birth to his death. Thousands of possibilities, from a Fire quirk to the Quirk All for One itself.

Even so, in this Universe and timeline, Izuku caught the eye of someone, no, perhaps, something, a being that transcends the boundaries of time and space. The Man in the Wall.

He was Chaos personified, indifferent and cold to everything, and a creature that merely wished to sate his innate hunger for chaos and havoc. And what better way to do that than by taking a teen with near infinite futures and making him into a vessel of War and Death?

Walking down the streets of Musutafu, Japan, one Izuku Midoriya rubbed his red rimmed eyes, muttering.

"I'll have to fix my uniform again..."

His focus was entirely on his body and the ruined, charred uniform which hid scars underneath. Burns of varying degrees, and long, thin cuts long since healed. Jagged patches where his skin was torn from the vicious abuse he suffered from for the short 15 years of his life.

Unfocused on his surroundings, Izuku never noticed the swirling mass that was gathering around him, or the cosmic cloud that warped the very air.

Screams could be heard as people around Izuku pointed at him, terror and fear etched on their features before he screamed himself.

Around him, the world had vanished, leaving Izuku standing stock still in terror before a familiar voice called out.

"Hey, Izu-kun."

Right in front of Izuku stood, himself. As if looking in a mirror, or a clone of himself.

The doppelganger giggled, red light coming from its eyes, wisps of black smoke wafted from its body as it spoke again:

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