Chapter 5 - Master Key

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I walked inside my dark apartment with my shopping bags in one hand and my book bag on my back while I rolled the transporter with my other hand. To relieve some weight, I dropped the bags on the floor. As soon as I switched on the living room light, a horrified gasp rushed into my mouth. The vampire was right there; standing a few feet away, staring at me with all-black eyes.

Nice vampire. I'm your friend, remember? I gave you my blood and saved your life.

He was still shirtless like I left him, and his black jeans hung low around the v-line of his hips. Veins on both sides of his pelvis bulged under the smooth, tan skin. The dried blood on his right hand, chin, and neck had been cleaned, but his curly brown fringe looked tousled and wild above his intense stare.

The dog kept barking until it let out a low growl. I tore my eyes away from the vampire and looked down to see the transporter shaking on its wheels. The dog was trying to get out.

I heard a long hiss from the vampire, so I whipped my head up with my eyes wide. He had opened his mouth, revealing four fully extended, sharp fangs on his top and bottom teeth. Did he think I was going to sic the dog on him? He took one step in my direction, and my body froze on the spot. All I could do was try to think of how to form verbal speech instead of talking to myself.

Dammit, Leah! Say something!

At first, I wasn't sure if he was targeting me or the dog. Once his dark gaze fixed on me, I knew I was his chosen prey. He stalked forward, and I say 'stalked' not to be dramatic, but because he moved slowly like he calculated his movement and anticipated mine at the same time.

The dog continued to bark at him, and a rumbling growl came from the vampire's throat as his lips curled into a snarl. Now would've been a good time for the dog to shut up. But of didn't. I swallowed the dry lump in my throat. Suddenly, my legs and feet thawed and started backing up toward the closed door.

Yeah, that's really smart, Leah. Just corner yourself. Make it easy for him.

The vampire ignored the dog completely. I blinked once before I saw him standing right in front of me. He moved so fast I didn't even see his motion. My back pressed against the door so hard like I wanted to fuse myself to it.

His palms slammed against the wood, and I let out a high-pitched yelp. With his bare, muscular arms resting near both sides of my head, and the door behind me, he had me trapped. I stood there trembling, my wide eyes staring up at him while my mouth hung open in fear. Another growl rumbled in this throat as I watched his onyx eyes scan my face. To my surprise, the vampire didn't touch me. He cocked his head to the side like he was curious.

Up close, I could see that his entire eyeball was a glossy, deep black. He wore no contact lenses, and the sclera was not tattooed. I had to assume the unnerving inhuman color meant that he was very hungry. He leaned down, moving his face closer to mine, and inhaled deeply. I froze again instantly, unable to even blink.

For a moment, I thought, 'Does he even recognize me?' I cleared my throat and attempted to speak calmly as the dog barked and growled next to me.

"Um, hi there. It's nice to see you're awake. You look like you're feeling better. That's definitely a good sign. Um, do you remember me? I'm Leah. I helped you last night and this morning. I gave you my blood, remember? You're in my apartment. You do know where you are, right?"

"Ja," he whispered.

I sighed a breath of relief, and enough tension left my body to let my facial muscles relax. From the neck down though, I was rigid as fuck. I still had a blood-thirsty vampire in front of me.

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